UofAz prospective student, questions

<p>I’m looking for college and considering UofA as one of them, can anyone please tell me more about it?</p>

<p>I’d like to know more about things like:

  1. Classes. Is it easy to register for classes or they just get filled up too early? How are the profs, good teachers, available for students or not? Do we get insane workloads (homeworks), I prefer classes that challenge in quality, not quantity. Are the admins helpful or just available when we write the check?
  2. Are the dorms any good on your campus or they simply suck? If apartment is a better choice is it easy to find a decent one? Also please suggest a dorm if you can. Any dorm that isnt run-down, or way too quiet.
  3. What about the surrounding town. are the residents friendly? Or whether its safe or not over there. One more thing, any decent access to supermarkets, diners, movies, etc?
  4. Its campus life. Are the students friendly towards foreigners and one another? What about social scenes, do they party all the time or never party at all? Not a party animal, but prefer places with social life.
  5. Anything more, unsual, or any concerns I should know about?</p>

<p>Also, is it true that ASU is the better choice for engineering and architecture? And one last, how hot can it get there in Tucson?</p>

<p>If you’re willing to tell me more, feel free to respond. Any infos appreciated.</p>

<p>I am a grad student, so I can't answer most of your questions because things work differently for us--like, I can register for most of my classes they day they first meet. I didnt go here for undergrad either, so i dont know about the dorms.</p>

<p>here are my impressions:</p>

<p>Tucson is a very laid-back mostly hippie town (if you are north of 22nd) that dies in the summer. The U doesnt offer a lot of classes in the summer. People are relatively friendly. There are a ton of frats and sororities populated by people from Phoenix and LA suburbs. Lots of spoiled rich kids that leave during the summer. The native Tucsonans are pretty liberal and accepting of everyone. The U has a very high rate of freshman dropouts and relatively easy admissions standards, which leads me to believe that it is not that easy for undergrads. It is a Research I school, so your professors are there because they publish a lot of research articles--not necessarily because they are great teachers. ASU might be better for engineering and architecture - i dont know. ASU is also Research I, but has much easier admissions and is a HUGE school. ASU is also much more of a party school and Tempe is much less of an artistic hippy place than tucson. Tempe is also hotter and part of the Phoenix area. Phoenix might be the most miserable city in the country. </p>

<p>Just my two cents.</p>

<p>Thanks for the info... wow... I dunno what to say, I heard Tucson is hot as hell and Phoenix area is even hotter??? Goodness...
Umm... what do you mean by "artistic hippie town?"
Also, is it safe to assume that Tucson isnt as big as it sounds?</p>

<p>It's statistically huge but I didn't really feel it when I visited on a Friday. They go with the divide and conquer method which helps.</p>

<p>Yeah...the campus is pretty liberal though (hippie)...ugh...freaking lesbians that use their free speech rights waaayyy to much.</p>

<p>Yes, Tucson is HOT AS HELL. I live in Vegas which is similar climate and lemme tell you that being closer too the equator amps up the intensity a tad. But I have lived in 115 F summers for 12 years now and its not that bad even with limited A/C. Basically you get used to it but I still burn in 5 minutes without sunscreen. There is low humidity (< 10%) in Tucson + Vegas which makes you feel warm but not miserable.</p>

<p>Yes, Phoenix is America's ghetto. Tucson is Phoenix's cousin on the ghetto-ness scale because it is spread out and old looking. But I guess living in ultra-high density, ultra-modern Vegas has spoiled me a bit (super-kmart, super-walmart, 5 grocery stores, countless shopping centers all within 10 minute drive)</p>


<p>Ok, looking at the OP.<br>
1) Every prof/admin there really seems to care about the students and doesn't simply go for a weed out method. I talked to eng. seniors and they said the only classes the couldn't get into were ones not essential to their major.
2) The dorms are fairly small. I would go so far as to say they aren't small as in prison cell small (even though they are), but more like cozy. They are old so what ya gonna expect? But to me they give of an atmosphere of "you're here to study, go outside to party", They have VERY strict noise rules so I doubt there is going to be any partying.
3) I don't live there...yet...so I don't know that much about the city. It is fairly old looking (cracked streets) at spread out. Oh and hot as hell. According to the campus crime statistics, the only crime that happens on campus is bike theft (160). There was like 3 rapes but that is pretty low.
4) Foreigners....hmmm....yeah the students there are pretty open minded but they are 75% white so foreigners (and minorities) really stick out like a sore thumb. But I'm sure there isn't any intolerance or anything like that.</p>

<p>amateurcollegegu, you mention that the school now has strict noise rules, but is Coronado and AZ-SO dorms still loud, with party reputation? I am very outgoing, and although a serious student, still like to party. That is why I chose Coronado and AZ-SO dorms and not La Paz area dorms. Can you give me the benefit of what you think of the dorms?</p>