UA's business program(undergrad) is good?

<p>Hi, everyone. I am a junior student residing in AL. I want to be major in finance or management (I am considering other majors but I do not decide yet.). I saw some ranking data and noticed that University of Alabama at Tuscaloosa has better undergrad business program than Auburn. My ACT score is above 30 (right now 31 (writing10) but waiting for April test I expect 33 or 32.)and I think I can get full ride (at least 3.8 GPA + Above 32 ACT.) I will take 9 to 10 AP classes when I count senior year. ALL AP test score is above 3. I just wonder if I go to Out Of State (like Indiana State-great undergrad business program, Emory in GA…) more than 20,000 dollars is worth. After graduating, I will get a job in Alabama or near here. After working about 2 to 5 years depending on working experience and GMAT score, I will apply for top 20 MBA program (Cornell, Stanford, UC Berkeley, etc…). While some people say that it is difficult to enroll top 20 MBA program after graduating University of Alabama, I think if I have great GPA, take Honor class, get outstanding recommendation, and work experience, I am able to get in top MBA program which is about 15 to 25% acceptance rate. I solved some practice GMAT test and found Math part is pretty easy to me. English part is like combination of SAT and ACT. </p>

<p>My question is University of Alabama (main campus) has great business program?? Or, do you recommend me to go out of state by paying more than 20,000 dollars. (I am international if I go to OOT but, When I go to Universities in AL, I am considered as resident-my father pays tax) About 4 years later (before college graduation), I can get permanent resident card so that I can get a job better and get financial aid (later MBA program…) Also, if anyone knows whether there are many intern or job opportunity after graduating UA (culberhouse). Because I need more than 2 years work experience to apply for MBA, I need a university which provides many opportunity. I do not want to waste my time by trying to get a job. I saw on UA’s website that WellsFargo and Wachovia finance recruit UA’s students often. Please advise me…</p>

<p>*My ACT score is above 30 (right now 31 (writing10) but waiting for April test I expect 33 or 32.)and I think I can get full ride (at least 3.8 GPA + Above 32 ACT.) *</p>


<p>As an instate student, you get free tuition with an ACT 30 and your GPA. I don’t know where you’re getting the “full ride” info with an ACT 32. </p>

<p>what was your PSAT score? perhaps you’ll make NMSF/NMF???</p>

<p>Bama has a very good B-school. It’s not worth it to go OOS and going OOS would likely cost you a lot more than $20k per year.</p>

<p>For instance, Berkeley would cost you $50k per year. U of Indiana (Kelley) is about $40k per year. Those are out of state publics that wouldnn’t give you need-based aid, even if you qualified. Indiana might give you a small merit scholarship, but the cost would still be higher than $20k per year. Berkeley wouldn’t give you anything.</p>

<p>And…for you to have a better chance at Cornell or Stanford, your ACT would have to be a 33 or higher. Even then, acceptance is iffy since they only accept such a small % of applicants. </p>

<p>While some people say that it is difficult to enroll top 20 MBA program after graduating University of Alabama,</p>

<p>That’s not true. Entrance into a top school will be based on your GPA, GMAT, LORs, etc.</p>

<p>Full ride info comes from my expectation of April ACT score which will be posted on Sunday midnight. In my opinion, the test was the easiest one I ever taken and was pretty easy. I expect 32. so I wrote full ride. Also, I am not PSAT qualifier because I will take it on October. I am sophomore right now. I mean I am going to be junior after June.</p>

<p>I think you misunderstood.</p>

<p>Neither Bama nor Auburn gives a “full ride” with an ACT 32. “Full ride” equals tuition, room, board, and books. </p>

<p>As an instate student, with an ACT 30, you’ll get free tuition. That isn’t a “full ride”…that’s free tuition. You still have to pay for room, board, and books.</p>

<p>As for the PSAT, it’s in your best interest to practice for the Junior year PSAT. If you get a high enough score, THEN you’ll get a near-full ride to Bama …tuition, room (including honors housing) and some other benefits.</p>

<p>Have you talked to your parents about how much they’ll pay each year for college?</p>

<p><a href=“I%20am%20international%20if%20I%20go%20to%20OOT%20but,%20When%20I%20go%20to%20Universities%20in%20AL,%20I%20am%20considered%20as%20resident-my%20father%20pays%20tax”>I</a>*</p>

<p>I missed this before.</p>

<p>Are you sure that you’re considered to be a “resident” in the state of Alabama? Do you have a green-card? If not, then I’m not sure that you do have residence status for colleges. I don’t think that paying taxes in the state is what “counts”…I think you have to be a citizen or green card holder. </p>

<p>To be a NMSF/NMF, you have to be a citizen, green card holder, or in the process of getting your green card. </p>

<p>And, of course, for other schools outside of Alabama, if you’re not a citizen or green card holder, than you’ll be put in the int’l pool of applicants which is harder for acceptance purposes and you won’t get any financial aid at many colleges. </p>

<p>What is your situation?</p>

<p>Please clarify: IU or ISU</p>

<p>Indiana University or Indiana State…two totally different places! Indiana State is NOT known for it’s Business Program and is located in Terre Haute.</p>

<p>IU (Indiana Univ.) was ranked high for Kelley School of Business but has been steadily dropping for the last few years and is located in Bloomington.</p>

<p>OOS Merit Aid is decent but not great at IU. For in-state stats: 3.8 minimum and 30 ACT will get you partial tuition, no room and board. No idea about OOS stat requirements. I know that it’s decided on a “grid” basis not “holistic”.</p>

<p>ISU (Indiana State) is not known for much of anything other than the in-state kids that were denied admission to IU. Not trying to be snarky just wanted to give you a “Hoosier” perspective.</p>

<p>—and my husband says ISU (in Terre Haute) is also known for Larry Bird…
Sorry…just thought that was funny that he wanted to add that tidbit ;)</p>

<p>lol I was just going to post that about The hick from French Lick & ISU as well :-). It’s really the only time I’ve ever heard Indiana State ever mentioned for anything.</p>

<p>I’ve never visited IU but have always wanted too since seeing the movie Breaking Away as a kid. I love that movie.</p>

<p>IU is a beautiful campus with a cute little town…very much like UA and Tuscaloosa but without the warm climate.</p>

<p>I mean Indiana University-Bloomington. I contacted UA and got the answer that I am considered as resident because I lived AL for 5 years and my father works here and pays taxes. Also, I have a friend in UA and pays in state with same situation. Also, I saw that ACT32 got full ride. “Academic Elite Scholarship” Link: [Academic</a> Elite Scholarships - Types of Scholarships - Undergraduate Scholarships - The University of Alabama](<a href=“]Academic”></p>

<p>I just said I can get it in the future if I made 32 on the April ACT. I just wonder if I got accepted to top 20 undergrad business program, $$$ is worth?? </p>

<p>One more, I mean I want to go top 20 MBA program, not undergrad because it is almost impossible to get in Stanford or U Penn as international… The price is too expensive and other problems. My family is processing green card right now so I can get it with in couple of years.</p>

<p>The Academic Elite scholarship is competitive. It’s not guaranteed, and if you read it it says roughly only 8 - 10 are awarded per year with 1,000 applying for it. </p>

<p>You could possibly get one but your chances are slim. Your 30 ACT will get you guaranteed free tuition though.</p>

<p>Free tuition is Presidential Scholarship?? I cannot find one. How about National Alumni Association Crimson Scholarships. Recently, I saw winner news. Is it competitive?</p>

<p>The alumni association Crimson scholarship is competitive and partly based on need from what I understand.</p>

<p>A 30 ACT gets you the presidential Scholarship which is 4 years free tuition. And if you’re a first generation college student there are scholarships for that too.</p>

<p>I am first generation college student but my sister will go to UA next year. sibling is regarded as college student. My parents did not go to college though. Also, one more question. I found that extensive leadership and community service is needed for competitive scholarship. I have about 500 hours free tutoring and secretary of a club. And bunch of memberships. If I want to do community service or volunteering, what is great for business admission? As you know, to be a doctor, volunteering in a hospital helps. But, I cannot work in banks…</p>

<p>“Does the University of Alabama (main campus) has great business program??”
“Great” - NO…Very Good - YES.</p>

<p>MBA admissions are not based on which school you went to, GMAT score, GPA, Course work, Class Rank, Work experience and recommendations are the bulk of what is looked at (varies school to school). But a degree in business has nothing to to with an MBA, many MBA’s are engineering, chemistry, economics, liberal arts, English majors…you name it.
Generally Engineering, Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics majors do better on the GMAT than Business majors. see: [Drake</a> Economics](<a href=“]Drake”> </p>

<p>University of Alabama offers three great programs to get ready for the GMAT

  1. Quantitative Economics, offered by the College of Arts and Science -
    (heavier on math and theory than business econ)
  2. 4yr Double Majors; Economics/mathematics, Finance/mathematics, Electrical Engineering and Physics, Computer Engineering and Physics, Electrical Engineering and Mathematics, Computer Engineering and Mathematics
  3. 4yr Masters Degree in either Finance,Economics or Statistics (The University Scholars program)</p>

<p>*Any would set you up for the GMAT… If you study, and maintain a 4.0 GPA or close.
*For top 20 MBA program you will need 700+ GMAT to be a serious contender.<br>
*The 4yr Masters Degree in Economics, if you can cut it - is tough to beat.</p>

<p>UA [Programs</a> for Outstanding Students](<a href=“Home - The Culverhouse College of Business”>Home - The Culverhouse College of Business)</p>

<p>Top Jobs [Best</a> Undergrad College Degrees By Salary](<a href=“]Best”>Common Jobs for Majors - College Salary Report)</p>

<p>This would fit you then:
The First Scholars Program offers four-year renewable scholarships of $5,000 each to incoming first-time, full-time freshmen whose parents did not attend college. If that description fits your background, and you are an Alabama resident, you may be eligible for one of our scholarships.</p>

<p>[First</a> Scholars Program - Undergraduate Scholarships - The University of Alabama](<a href=“]First”></p>

<p>GeniusTechnology: here’s the link to the instate scholarships including the Presidential: [In-State</a> Scholarships - Undergraduate Scholarships - The University of Alabama](<a href=“]In-State”></p>

<p>I appreciate everyone who replies to my questions. I wonder I am eligible for first generation scholarship because I cannot summit FAFSA although i am considered as resident(no green card yet.) I will send email to UA today for more information. Instate scholarships mean i can get one of them, right? If I get Presidential scholarship, I cannot get other instate scholarship.</p>

<p>One more question…
university scholars program means I can get bachelor and master degree only in four years like just undergrad program(usually 4 year). I thought with master degree, I need at last 6 years and I need work experience at least 2 year for MBA. So, that means, I can get Bachelor and Master degree in four years. Then, having at least two year working experience, I can apply for MBA program, right??</p>

<p>The UA 4 yr Masters is an accelerated (by invitation) program, you had better have plenty of AP credits, and be willing to work like a dog for those 4 yrs.</p>

<p>“Then, having at least two year working experience, I can apply for MBA program, right?”</p>

<p>I can not speak to every top MBA program, but Dartmouth, one of the best, prefers 5-6 yrs work experience. I think that is common at top schools. The quality of work you are doing is relevant as well. The Masters Degree would give you a “leg up” over MBA candidates with only a Bachelors Degree. </p>

<p>Your starting position/salary out of college - with a Masters should be significantly better also. </p>

<p>I am not sure what your career goals are, but if you get the Masters, a PhD may be a better choice than a MBA.</p>

<p>My career goal is consulting or financial analyst. I want to work at Goldman Sachs or other banks/technical company(Apple) as finance manager or stuff like that. I like to manage money, stock, or other loans/real estates. Actually, I have been managed my parent’s money with stock and saving account for more than a year. I care about credit score and boost my father’s 550 to 740 within 1 and a half year.</p>