UA's new mail center rocks!

<p>There is only 24 hour access to the mailbox (for USPS mail only). It was explained to me that if a student gets USPS mail or items without a tracking number, those will be places in the student’s mailbox and they will receive and email that states “You have mail.” If a student received a package that had a tracking number, they will receive an email that states “You have a package.”. Packages must be picked up during mail center operating hours and only by the student. </p>

<p>The 24 entrance is located down (while looking towards the gated entrance) from the gated one.</p>

<p>we were looking for the 24 hour entrance. where is that exactly? the website says it is right across from the Supe Store. I’m quite confused.</p>

<p>They do a great job! I got my daughter a mailbox and paid on line. I sent her a lamp from Pottery Barn, and some odds and ends she forgot from home. </p>

<p>The PB mailing address neglected to include the MSC number, and I was an airhead and put the wrong number down on the one we sent from home. </p>

<p>Well, they both got there super fast, to the CORRECT mailbox, and she was notified on line.
I was very impressed.</p>

<p>I sent two items to my son via Staples and the system worked great.</p>

<p>Can someone please tell me very specifically where the mailboxes are and how you access them? If I am standing at the Supe Store entrance, where do I go very specifically, please. I’m not being an idiot…the website says they are opposite the Supe Store, so if I’m standing right there, and staring at the doors which are LOCKED, why am I missing this?!</p>

<p>When we were there last week, the mail center guy said the 24 hour access is on the outside of the building, on the other side of the Starbucks - it lets you in at the far end of the rows of mailboxes when viewed by the Supe Store. I didn’t try it, but hope this helps!</p>

<p>^^^ Yes, that’s where it is. There is a small alley just to the left of the steps that go to the second floor of the Ferg. As you’re walking toward the Ferg from Ridgecrest, you’ll see the little alley just before you get to the steps. The alley leads to a door that lets you enter the opposite end of the mailbox area of the post office.</p>

<p>Does anyone know if there is still a one day delay for package pick-up like there was last year (you’d get slip the day it was delivered but couldn’t get actual package until the next day)?</p>

<p>Is there an ACT swipe at the alley door? I was in the right place, but I dont recall anything on the door. Signs would kave been good. I didnt see any gates, tho, as mentioned above.</p>

<p>Is this the same alley as the old mailboxes used to be?</p>

<p>Yes, aeromom. There is a panel on the side to swipe the ACT card. I’m not sure which alley you’re referring to, Montegut. This alley is on the outside of the building, so I doubt there were ever mail boxes there. It just leads to a door at the far end of the mail boxes. You could also just go into the front door (Supe Store side) of the post office when it’s open and walk all the way to the end of the mail boxes and you would see the door on your left and exit that way just so you could get your bearings.</p>

<p>^^^I’m sorry. At the old mailboxes, you could walk through a door in an alley and get to the mailboxes even when the Ferg was closed. The mailboxes were located inside the building, though. Y’all’s description is sounding like the same place.</p>

<p>Yes, I would say it is the same. :)</p>

<p>Not trying to be cheap, what happens if we don’t pay for a mailbox? If I want to send a letter to my daughter or a package will it reach her at all? I can definitely pay for a mailbox, just trying to understand what will work and what won’t if a person does not pay for it.</p>

<p>Sorry I found the answers to my question on the campus mail website:</p>

<p>[Campus</a> Mail - The University of Alabama](<a href=“]Campus”></p>

<p>New mail center does rock! Although we paid more for a mailbox for our son this year than last year, this year picking up his birthday cards and packages was much less a hassle. Although there was a bit of a wait today, it was nothing like his 2+ hour wait last year to pick up the birthday package we sent then. Last year I didn’t send him anything else for the 1st semester because of the long waits. Now I wouldn’t hesitate to have him order anything he needed for school or send anything for a surprise. Too bad it had to cost $100 for the two semesters to have a mailbox (as oldest son’s dorm costs nothing) but I do think the service over last year at UA is a definite improvement!</p>

<p>Yikes!!! DS has a book coming to Paty in October. It won’t be published till then, so Amazon has it scheduled for delayed shipping. I had no clue when we ordered that Paty was going away. I guess that means I’ll have to contact Amazon. :p</p>

<p>Need to send a package</p>

<p>I need to send a package to son. He does have a mailbox though has not checked it yet. </p>

<p>Where and how should I address it for him to get it at the mail center</p>

<p>Thank you</p>

<p>Montegut, if you can get on his mybama account there is a tab for mailboxes which list how to address the box and his individual mail box. Otherwise give him a call and he can look it up and let you know.</p>

<p>Edit: Its under the student tab…look for campus mail.</p>

<p>^^^^^Montegut, your DS will even get an email when the package arrives.</p>