UC a-g classes?

do you UCs take into account a class of being an office or teacher aide in to your overall gpa?

No TA and office aides are not a-g courses and their grades will not be used in your GPA calculation or used to fulfill a-g course requirements for the UC’s.

You can look up your a-g HS courses if you are a CA resident on this website:


Here is a list of a-g courses in general.


My school counted it into my gpa and they calculate GPA the same way UC do. With the class I have a 3.2 GPA for the second semester, and according to UCR I need to maintain a 3.0 weighted GPA throughout my senior year in order to avoid getting rescinded. I’m confused because my official transcripts read the GPA as 3.2 for second semester. So will UC even look at that the GPA of 3.2 or will they remove the class and I will end up with a 3.0? Just wanna know how they will look at my transcripts and how they will asses it because that could be a game changer.

It does not matter how your HS calculates your GPA on your transcript, what matters is how UCR will calculate your GPA which is based on your a-g courses for Senior year. The 3.0 GPA is weighted for UCR.