UC App - Opinion on Including Downward Trend Explanation

My third is currently applying to UCs. He has siblings currently attending UCB and UCLA so I am somewhat familiar with the UC process. He earned 3 Bs final semester of junior year (84%, 89%, 89%). Until then, he had an uw 4.0 and is now at a 3.88uw, 4.19capped weighted, 4.27uncapped weighted. He has a 32 ACT, typical ECs sports, some volunteering, a few school awards.

Downward trend is disappointing, but some procrastination and overconfidence got the best of him early in semester.

On his UC app, in the additional info section, he wants to include the percentages (84%, 89%, 89%) and be candid about why he has a downward trend. I would like to offer him some advice. I recall reading that such disclosures can sound whiney and it’s better to leave this information out. I would appreciate opinions from others before offering any suggestions.

When colleges see a downward grade trend they suspect it may be due to personal qualities of the applicant. The reason to give an excuse/exclamation is to try to attribute it to some external factor such as family troubles, illness, etc. and deflect responsibility from the applicant. It sounds like you are going to write and tell them it is exactly what they suspect, a measure of your son and academics. How does that help?

@mikemac His position is that there is a difference in effort between earning an 80% and an 89% which will not be noted on the UC application unless he includes this information.

The mitigating circumstance was that I returned to work after not working for 20 years in January. This shifted our family rhythm, and he hit a bump–too much freedom and more self- accountability.

He did poorly on two major assignments due the same week in February. He could have coasted and taken a B for the rest of the semester. Instead, he worked hard, scored well on the final but came up short 1 or 2 tenths of a percentage earning an 89.3 and 89.4 respectively. Same teacher for both classes will bump up to 90 percent at 89.5 if you score well on final.

In the end, I think he’s a great kid and hardworking. I was disappointed for him, not with him. My other two kids each lost a friend to suicide within the last 6 months. So, I see this as small potatoes. I don’t want him be mired in the what ifs. I also understand him wanting to “explain” himself.

Any other opinions?