UC App Question on Family income

<p>the UC app asks for family income in 2008 and 2007. Do you put the monthly or yearly income? And what exactly is gross income? Is the 2007 income the amount listed in the tax return? And how do you figure out the 2008 income when the tax return for 2008 hasn’t been filed yet? I tried asking my parents but they don’t get it either. any help on this would be wonderful!! thank you!</p>

<p>Gross Income is essentially base salary + bonuses, before deductions.</p>

<p>btw: the UCs are looking for low income kids -- they get bonus points in admissions. If you are not low income, you can skip that section.</p>

<p>thank you for the reply. yes i am low income, that's why i'm filling that section in. but i didn't understand the terms they were using and i was just so confused! xDD thank you for clarifying! 8D</p>

<p>Does anyone know the answer to the question about 2008 income? I'm wondering that too. I gave an estimate but I'm afraid I'll be penalized if it turns out not to be right when my parents file their tax return.</p>


<p>I emailed Berkeley about this and I'll update if I get an answer.</p>


<p>The UC app includes online instructions in the form of a 'Tour' (upper-right on the online app). The Tour instructions clearly state "pre-tax income".</p>

<p>Arduous: of course, 2008 will be an estimate. Just make it somewhat close. NO college will care if you put $35k, and it turns out the tax return shows ~$40k. But, putting $30k when actual is $130k is a no-no.</p>

<p>Must we put our family annual income? I don't want to brag, but I'm afraid that if it's true UCs are looking for low income, I might be docked serious points if I put my family's in.</p>

<p>countrygentleman - You only have to fill in that part if you're applying EOP. Since you're family's income is high, you're probably not, so don't bother with it. Even if you filled it in, UC's aren't supposed to discriminate based on financial status.</p>

<p>So if we're not applying EOP/ using a fee waiver, we can skip that part? It won't look bad or anything? And for the
"Parents' Highest Level of Formal Education" part, can we skip that too as well then?

<p>I don't mean to hijack the thread, but if my family sold a house last year (and this is a once-in-a-lifetime kind of thing), do we have to include that as part of the income? Because it <em>really</em> inflates our "annual income" and misrepresents how much money my family usually makes.</p>

<p>Also, do we include unemployment compensation?</p>

<p>That: Yes, you can skip income, and no they won't care. But do put down parental educ.</p>

<p>Yawn: one-time housesale money does not count. Yes, unemployment comp does count.</p>