UC app questions: what do i do if i took 7 classes and honors/ap freshman year?

<p>I am just starting to fill out my UC app. Yes I know, I'm super behind, but I just decided to apply last minute.</p>

<p>I am an OOS student. I took honors/ap courses my freshman year that most kids at my school take in 10th or 11th grade, but the instructions say the school doesn't count freshman honors classes. does this mean actual 9th grade honors classes or just all honors classes in general regardless of the fact that they aren't actually 9th grade classes?</p>

<p>and our school has 7 classes per semester, how do i add them on? the app only has room for 6...</p>

<p>UCs don’t really take into consideration your freshman grades. The “UC GPA” is calculated from your grades sophomore and junior year. So it wouldn’t really matter if your freshman classes were honors, anyway, because it won’t be in your GPA. But honors classes you take sophomore and junior year count.</p>

<p>And I really have no idea if you have 7 classes/semester. Hopefully someone else can answer that</p>