Uc app server?

<p>ericli, do you think its possible i wont get accepted over a missing comma??
ahhh i’m freaking out about it!!</p>

<p>same leaftye :frowning: at least now i got a thing going with the transcript that has improved my rate to 1 year of grades in 30 min, just senior year left!</p>

<p>@Princesslesa - It’s a missing comma. As long as the essay (I’m guessing you’re talking about) is comprehendable, you’re fine. They won’t reject you over a simple grammatical mistake.</p>

<p>How did you get through the final boss?!
I got to the final boss and the stupid thing disconnected me.
Sigh, the funny thing is that I had this done a couple days ago.
I was just waiting for a friend to make sure my essay was good…
oh well</p>

<p>Now I’m trying to use Firefox AND Opera at the same time to complete different parts of my application.</p>

<p>yeah, i agree completely with star. A comma is nothing to completely freak out about, sure it will be a minute dent on your application, but no ones gonna take it that seriously. What would really suck would be to not get your application in. Right?</p>

<p>Yeah Lesa, I looked at my old essay and saw that I forgot a word that made the sentence grammatically incorrect. They still accepted me.</p>

<p>noooooooo, it has failed, not even loading up anymore to any extent</p>

<p>okay thanks, that re-assures me :slight_smile:
i just really hope they extend the date cause this is way to stressful!
when will we know if they extended the date?</p>

<p>Also i had mine done 2 weeks ago but i wanted my teacher to check my essay so i waited…stupid decision</p>

<p>Come on. I’ve been at this for 3 1/2 hours.</p>

<p>Now I’m submitted my personal statements. I’m still trying to finish my academic history in another window too. It’s the academic history that’s taken me a couple hours. I kind of wish everything was all in one windows, then if I’m using a browser like Firefox, I only have to fill it out once, and then I could reopen and try submitting it again and again until the server takes it.</p>

<p>I need to use many proxy servers to get to various pages of my application. :(</p>

<p>does the browser im using have anything to do with this extreme lag</p>

<p>im using internet explorer</p>

<p>Protip: If a page fails to load, right-click on the page, click “reload”, and then “resend”. Keep doing it and eventually it will go through.</p>

<p>yay, midnight for me, hour number 6 done! horayyy for wasting my entire day.
OMG! ITS LOADING! but its still gonna be slow as crap :(</p>

<p>Okay, so I think my personal statements are done. I just have a buttload of academic history to input (UGH!!!), residency information (easy) and maybe I’ll fix my CA ID thingie.</p>

<p>is the filing period closed for everyone at cali midnight or based on you time zone?</p>

<p>Academic history is the biggest pain in the butt. I’ve probably entered in each grade’s classes at least 5 times each and it just disconnects me and i have to restart again.</p>

<p>still good!, we got 3 hours left. fight through this one guys</p>

<p>Yeah, academic history REALLY sucks when you have something like 120 units in 4 schools over 14 terms to put in. This is what I get for doing nightschool while working during the day.</p>

<p>Hoping the servers pick up or they extend it, it’s really only fair.</p>