Uc app server?

<p>Dammit, I was >< close to submitting completely in time. I just needed my last click to go thru. I thought the deadline was 11:55 so I was sad, then I found it was 11:59 so I was happy, and now it’s 12:09, my application finally submitted, and I’m sad again.</p>

<p>Put it in perspective guys. The UCs are just a fraction of the colleges out there. Learn from this experience and work on your applications for other colleges as soon as you can.</p>

<p>just submitted mine. hopefully that deadline extension is legit and they actually look at my application…</p>

<p>omg 1:15 I finally got in…it was SO fast…■■■.</p>

<p>so how do you know that the extension is legit? where did you find out?</p>

<p>idk theres just been a lot of people on this site and a couple on yahoo answers saying that they called and found out the extension was confirmed. but how much can we really trust online posts?? i guess we’ll just have to wait and find out.</p>

<p>UC Davis’ Twitter page is talking about it here:</p>

<p>[UC</a> Davis Admissions (ucdavis) on Twitter](<a href=“x.com”>x.com)</p>

<p>Don’t worry kids, you’ll be fine.</p>

<p>thank god THAT nightmare is over.
good luck to everyone! i sincerely wish you all the best.
maybe we should have a reunion in the spring, see how things worked out for us.</p>

<p>is it still priority deadline extension?</p>

<p>is it all the UCs? or only davis…</p>

<p>We’ll know on April 30th won’t we? Even if the schools put out an official statement, does that really mean anything? I mean, they tell us how much it’ll cost for us to attend their school, and then they do a midyear rate increase AFTER it’s too late for us to do anything about it. Maybe it’s just me, hopefully it’s just me, but I’ll be stressed until April 30th. You freshmen have it easier. You get to be stressed for one month less.</p>

<p>you suppose it could maybe be up to the discretion of the application reviewers? I mean even if all the applications go in under the same filing, if the date of submittal is evident to the reviewers, maybe they might be biased.</p>

<p>It could be, but they could be fickle like SDSU was when they told locals that the admission guarantee deal that they’ve had forever was going away just two weeks before the application window opened. The problem is that if they want to eliminate a bunch of applicants, they can say they’re reverting to their original deadline, and the problem is that there’s not much we can do about it.</p>


<p>If you’re a transfer, I started a thread for us.</p>

<p><a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/uc-transfers/819873-ucsd-fall-2010-transfers.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/uc-transfers/819873-ucsd-fall-2010-transfers.html&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Got this e-mail yesterday: Look towards the bottom. Only extended if application has been started by 11:59 last night, 11/30…</p>

<p>Dear Colleagues:</p>

<p>This UC Counselors and Advisers Bulletin addresses:</p>

<li>ACT and SAT scores</li>
<li>Fall 2010 priority application filing period ends</li>

<p>ACT and SAT Scores
Fall 2010 applicants are reminded that test scores submitted on the application for undergraduate admission are considered unofficial and that the University requires students to send official scores from the ACT Assessment with Writing or the SAT Reasoning Test and two SAT Subject Tests. All admissions tests should be completed no later than the December 2009 test administrations, and all scores must be received by the University no later than January 2010. The University’s policy is to use the highest scores from a single test administration when selecting from among multiple ACT and SAT Reasoning scores. The University also uses the two highest SAT Subject Test scores in the determination of an applicant’s eligibility for admission. (Note: The University of California does not accept the Mathematics Level I Subject Test, and certain highly selective majors at some campuses have a preference for specific tests in the selection of candidates for admission.)</p>

<p>When an applicant sends his or her official test score to any UC campus, the test record is sent to the University’s central application processing center and all other UC campuses to which the student has applied for admission also will receive the scores as official.</p>

<p>Application Filing Period Ends Tonight
The priority filing period for applications for fall 2010 ends tonight at 11:59 p.m. Applicants who have started an application by that time will have until 11:59 p.m. tomorrow to submit. If applicants need assistance, they can contact the help desk: (800) 914-8820 (in California) or (925) 808-2150 (outside California). The help desk will be open from 1 p.m.-midnight today and tomorrow.</p>


<p>Deadline extended until Dec. 2! Woot!</p>

<p>yay! i got mine turned in! </p>

<p>last night was crazy! </p>

<p>Goodluck everyone, i hope you all get in the college you want most</p>

<p>I don’t know if anyone is going to come back to this thread, but I propose, as someone did earlier, that we all have a reunion in April to share what schools we got into :slight_smile: yes?</p>

<p>of course!</p>

<p>pinkduckie, that’d be awesome. The thing that sucks though is that some people set up accounts just for this thread and will probably never come back. I was thinking about going thru the thread and trying to contact everyone to see what happened…well, at least those that submitted their applications after the original deadline…those are the ones I’m really curious about, especially if I’m not accepted this time.</p>