UC Appeal

Hello I was wondering if appealing to more than 1 UC school was allowed? Also if it is allowed would doing so be worse for my chances than if I just submitted 1? Thanks

Appealing to more than 1 UC school is allowed. The UCs do not communicate with each other about your application. Submitting multiple appeals will not worsen your chances.

If you are a waitlisted applicant however, not all UC’s will accept appeals.

For freshman students:
Berkeley, Davis, Los Angeles and San Diego will only allow appeals from students who were denied admission. Applicants offered a waitlist space may not appeal.

Irvine will allow waitlisted applicants to appeal only if they opt-in to the waitlist. If a student’s appeal is denied, they may remain on the waitlist.

Riverside, Santa Barbara and Santa Cruz will review all appeals, whether an applicant is on the waitlist or not.

Merced is not using a waitlist.