UC Waitlist Appeals

What does it mean if my appeal (for waitlist) to a UC is denied?

Are you on the waitlist and appealed to be admitted? You wait to be called from the waitlist and if not you attend a different college.

@TomSrOfBoston I’m currently on the waitlist for UC Irvine and was thinking about appealing. Although I read online that many people’s appeals were denied and was wondering what that means for the applicant. Does it imply that the appeal the applicant wrote doesn’t demonstrate the information they were seeking?

I think it implies the applicant doesn’t have bona fide grounds for appeal (meaning a review of the admissions decision). To appeal successfully, you usually need to show a gross error on the part of a third party - for example, the wrong transcripts or test scores were sent.

An appeal is different from writing a “letter of continued interest” (LOCI) and updating the admissions office with any significant new awards or achievements. This is written and sent by students on the waitlist to reaffirm their desire to attend. So if a spot opens up - and your application does get another look - it will be up-to-date.

Waitlist appeals for the UC’s
For freshman students:
Berkeley, Davis, Los Angeles and San Diego will only allow appeals from students who were denied admission. Applicants offered a waitlist space may not appeal.
Irvine will allow waitlisted applicants to appeal only if they opt-in to the waitlist. If a student’s appeal is denied, they may remain on the waitlist.

Riverside, Santa Barbara and Santa Cruz will review all appeals, whether an applicant is on the waitlist or not.

Merced is not using a waitlist.

Also appealing means you have some compelling reason not originally noted in your application that would way the decision into your favor. Awards, doing well grade wise Senior year or new club activities are not a solid reason for an appeal or as mentioned by @Groundwork2022 some error on your application beyond your control.