UC Application Discussion Fall 2023 and new extended Submission period

You would then have to list the High school again with a semester term instead of a year term and enter it as above.

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just double-checking, the deadline is by the end of day of Nov 30th? Because midnight Nov 30th could mean the night of the 29th…?

Midnight PST on November 30th but do not wait until the last minute. Submit now since the UC website has crashed in the past due to the high volume of last minute submissions.


so that means basically tonight (the 29th) at midnight? I wonder why it’s not entirely clear; in the past they usually say like 11:59pm on a certain day…

No, deadline is tomorrow 11:59 PM PST but I would not wait until tomorrow to submit.

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Sorry if this is the wrong place to ask but my D23, IB Diploma candidate, public school OOS, submitted her UC application last week and today her college counselor at school says her HS courses should "designate their Honors Level classes as “UC Approved Honors Level” on the UC Application. I remember that my daughter did select that certain courses from her transcript were/are IB Courses but she did not put that any of her courses are UC Approved Honors Level courses as she is OOS. First - is there any way to update an already submitted application and second, is this the huge error we fear it might be when the admissions offices calculate her UC GPA and review her course rigor. Yes, she referenced IB coursework her a couple of her essays or responses so this should be seen by application readers. Thanks for answering at this, the 10th hour - and for her what is probably the 14th hour as her application has been submitted.

The UCs calculate OOS honors courses differently.

Honors courses are calculated differently. In calculating an out-of-state student’s GPA, UC will grant honors weight for AP or IB courses only, but not for school-designated honors courses. The weight is given to letter grades of A, B, or C.

Sorry - so your response means that if my daughter listed IB Economics SL with the drop down designation of IB Course - this is enough to have her UC GPA calculated with this as an honors course even though she’s OOS?

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Yes, all students should indicate AP and IB courses and will receive a GPA bump from those courses. OOS students do not receive an added bump in GPA from a high school honors course.

But where in the application can an OOS student list a course as UC Approved Honors Level - just simply by using the drop down IB Course designation next to the course name? A UC admission officer told our college counselor that the UC Approved Honors Level designation (which seems to be more than just the IB Course designation) is something OOS students should use to show rigor of coursework. Again sorry for so many questions and my daughter’s application has been submitted so while it looks like she can log into the UC Application and make updates I am not completely sure this is possible. Thanks for your help.

As an OOS applicant, you use the drop down to indicate AP or IB for the extra weighting. Also the course name would indicate if it is an AP or IB course.

Campus instructions & websites for reporting changes:

  • Berkeley will not accept post-submission updates. Any updates that are sent will not be considered in the application reading process.
  • Davis
  • Irvine
  • Merced - Post-submissions updates are only accepted if you are admitted. Click on the “myCourseUpdate” link in your connect portal.
  • UCLA - Some post-submission updates will be accepted. Visit the UCLA contact page for further details.
  • Riverside
  • San Diego
  • Santa Barbara will not accept post-submission updates. Any updates that are sent to our office will not be considered in the application reading process.
  • Santa Cruz

UC honors, AP and IB all receive the same weight in GPA calculations. You can’t double dip and receive extra weight for UC honors and IB. Choosing IB from the drop down is the correct and most appropriate designation.

I think your college counselor must have misunderstood what the UC AO said. They were probably trying to tell the counselor that AP and IB courses receive the same weighting as UC approved honors, not that they should be designated as that on an application.

Edit: In California, there are non AP/IB high school classes that also receive a UC GPA bump. It
varies between schools but these are classes such as Pre-calculus Honors and Chemistry Honors. Those courses would be listed as UC approved honors courses. Any AP or IB class for in-state or OOS should be listed as AP or IB.

is my daughter, OOS, filling out the UC application correctly?
she has taken mostly honors classes but labeled them all as NH in the drop down menu. She assumed that only her AP classes (she has 3 with grades and 3 in progress) would be counted as bonuses for GPA calculation, and these are the ones she designated as AP. She did call the note the honors classes in the course names, just as they are called on her transcript.

did she do it right? I’m worried lots of OOS kids will be calling their school-level honors classes as H level and it will look better compared to her, but she was, I think, following directions…

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A post was merged into an existing topic: UC San Diego Class of 2027 Discussion

Yes she did it right.

OOS HS designated Honors classes are not weighted so NH is correct. Only AP and IB classes get the weighting in the UC GPA calculation and she would select from the drop down menu for either choice.

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I sent my app to UCLA and UCSB about a week or two ago, but still haven’t heard back from both campuses.

So far I’ve heard back from UCB, UCSD and UCI.

Any advice? Thank you.

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UCLA and UCSB state on their website that applicant portal information will be available by Mid-December.


Also make sure you check your Spam/Junk email folders before contacting any schools.

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for merit scholarships in the UC system, does the student needs to submit the FAFSA? or just apply for merit scholarships?

FAFSFA not required for merit scholarships but if any have a need component such as Regents, then the applicant only will receive the base honorarium amount if FASFA is not submitted. The need portion targets in-state CA recipients.

Thank you, Gumbymom,
my kid is looking for only merit scholarships in the UC system (no need based). If I’m understanding correctly some merit scholarship have two components merit and need based, and some are 100% merit scholarships.
So when applying, my kid needs to make sure to apply for the 100% merit scholarships.

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