UC Application: EC section

Is 23 hours/week of ECs sound like too much for the UC application (I’m not exaggerating, but do spend a lot of time on my ECs). Also, I have 17 things on my activities sheet (though 6 are awards, and 2 were summer programs). Does this EC list seem unfocused? 6 hrs- started youth branch of nonprofit, 2 hrs- tutor at that branch, 6 hours- music; 4 hrs- FBLA; 2 hrs- social justice club officer; 2 hrs-taekwondo. I also taught fulltime in a nonprofit in the summer. My awards are from FBLA, and french/national honor society.

Does this list seem focused? And is 23 hrs/week of ECS seem too much? I’m aiming for UCB/UCLA and my grades/ test scores are within range.

23 hours/week puts it at a little over 3 hours/day. It sounds reasonable but do you consistently spend this time year round on all your EC’s?

It is good to have a variety of activities as long as you enjoy doing them and are not geared to thinking that these will get you into your preferred colleges.

@Gumbymom Probably more in the summer, and there’s some 10-hr weekends bootcamps, events, etc, but when you average everything it ends up at 3 hrs/day.

I love all activities :)- however, I definitely spend more time on music, FBLA, and nonprofit branch- everything I spend less. Looking back, I probably spend very little time in taekwondo now-adays because of the schedule- with just 2 classes/week, its probably just 1 or 1.5. Everything else is accurate though.

I never did my activities for college but now that I’m submitting my UC apps I was just wondering if this looks like a decent list for UCB?

UCB showed be considered a Reach school and no one can answer what they would consider a decent list. If you enjoy doing these EC’s then hopefully the college will also see it.

Best of luck.

Your previous posts indicate that you are from NY and that you need, at least, half-tuition?
Can your parents pay the non-resident fees of $65K per year for the UC’s?
Remember, California does not provide funding for non-residents.

@aunt bea thank you for letting me know! tbh, I’m planning to apply to a variety of schools and see what happens