UC application essay humor?

I was writting my essays, and I came across an idea. Can I include a little bit humor in my essay? One part of my essay is how I describe ‘success’ “It’s a slow, painful, and exhausting experience. Just ask any high school student.” I was wondering if this will be good to add, as I want the AO to connect with me.

You should let a trusted adult read the essay. Of course occasional humor is appreciated by admissions officers who spend long days reading often monotonous essays. But it’s not always the case that an adult will find the same things funny that you do. Just reading that line out of context doesn’t strike me as especially funny.

If the context of a story you tell happens to be funny or amusing that should be okay. But they don’t like when your trying to be deliberately funny. The last part is what an admissions officer told me not to do.