UC application essay prompt 6

Hi CC,

So one of the essay prompts this year for the UC schools is “Describe your favorite academic subject and explain how it has influenced you”. I want to major in engineering, more specifically computer science. However, I wrote about AP psychology because it has honestly been my favorite class and I think that it will reveal my personality the best. Do you think that colleges will look down on me because I didn’t write about a subject that relates to my major, such as physics?

Any help is appreciated, thanks!

No. Your favorite academic subject does not have to match your major.

If you plan on applying to Berkeley engineering they say that you should discuss the following in your essay:
Your intended field of study
Your interest in your specific major
Any school or work-related experience

But I’m applying as a freshman so would that apply to me? @thatkidgoingtocollege

If you scroll down a bit it states:

If you are applying to a professional college (such as the College of Engineering or Chemistry), it is important that you discuss:
Your intended field of study
Your interest in your specific major
Any school or work-related experience

So I would assume yes it does.

But OP can still address his/her interest in Engineering with some of the other personal insight questions. Not all of the personal insight questions need to be centered just on intended major. The personal insight questions are there to help admission learn about the individual beyond grades and test scores.

@Gumbymom if I didn’t write a ton about engineering but I added snippets about the hundreds of hours I spent on my school’s robotics team would that make me look bad? Especially since I didn’t specifically dedicate one of my essays to engineering… I was just trying to show AO how well rounded I am

Sounds fine to me.