UC Application, Immediate Response Requested

So I just got this email from the UC’s:

"We have received your University of California Undergraduate Application for Admission and Scholarships. Thank you for your interest in our campus.

We are in the process of reviewing your application. Before we can complete our review and reach an admission decision, we need the following information from you:

Lake Tahoe Community College

Mission College transcript

These transcripts should contain a complete list of all course work attempted and grades earned. We must receive this information within five days of this message date, or processing of your application may be delayed or canceled."

I think that they may have sent me this email because I failed one of my courses in Fall (at LTCC), and repeated it during the Winter Intersession (Mission College.) Repeating the course allowed my GPA to jump from a 3.68 to a 3.9.

The problem is that while I submitted that I got an A in the course from Mission College on my TAU (my professor emailed me telling me so), the professor still hasn’t officially reported my grade for my transcripts. I’m not sure whether my grade will be available on my transcript within 5 days, which is a huge problem because UCLA told me that not meeting the time-frame will negatively impact my application.
Should I appeal for an extension, or just pray that my grade is available on the 6th?
Also, is it usual for the UC’s to ask for transcripts this early on from transfer students?

Can you contact both Mission College and the instructor of the course to find out about the delay in posting the grade?

Also contact UC to inform them about the delay in the posting of the grade at Mission College.

I’ve emailed the professor but she usually takes a couple of days to respond to emails. Transcript services told me that the deadline for grade submissions isn’t until the 5th of February.
I’ve already called UC Application Services and the UCs that I applied to, but they told me that should my petition for an extension be denied, my application would suffer. I also don’t want to send in my LTCC transcript without my Mission College transcript, because I’m worried that the UCs will base my admissions decision on my LTCC transcript.

If they do give an extension, they may give it only for Mission College, assuming that all of your grades are available at Lake Tahoe Community College. So you may want to send the Lake Tahoe Community College transcript as requested, while trying to figure out between UC, Mission College, and the instructor about your delayed grade.

I’ve just spoken to the Mission College Transcript Office, and they’ve told me that the final grades are actually due tomorrow, which means that my unofficial transcript with the updated grades should be available tomorrow. Would I be able to just upload a screenshot of my Unofficial Transcript with my grades on it, or should I try and get the Official Transcript sent to them (which might take a while)?