UC Application pdf

Edited with the updated guide which highlights the application changes: For those who are curious about the format of the application, here is a pdf guide.


Comparing to the actual application I noticed a couple of changes.

  1. UCSD is now offering Seventh College as an option.
  2. The Activities section is formatted differently and it doesn’t appear to limit you to five in each category. When you choose a category from the drop down, the follow up questions relate to the category chosen.

One of the biggest changes is that the character count for the activities has gone from 160 characters to 500!

Should all of the classes on the high school’s A-G list be in the course selection area of the UC application or is it ok if some of them need to be typed in the ‘Don’t see my class’ text box at the bottom?
Several of the courses on our high school’s A-G list do not appear as a selectable class on the UC application and so I concerned they may not be counted if we have to type them in ourselves. An example is ‘Introduction to Computer Science’ and another is ‘Psychology’
They appear on the UC published list of A-G classes for our high school but do not appear in the pre-written list of classes to choose on the UC application.
I’ll contact our high school’s A-G list administrator, however, this year it was changed to the Vice Principal and so the odds of getting a reply are very low.

@diegodavis my read is that if it is an academic class listed in A-G, it should go into other coursework. If it is a sport, student council, etc. it should go under activities.

It’s just unusual that 90% of the A-G classes for our high school can be selected with a check box but the other 10% are not in the check box list. It seems like there is a disconnect between the published a-g list for our high school (published online on the UC site) compared to the A-G list which appears for our high school on the UC application.
I’ve found something similar for our community college where every computer science class, which is UC transferable, can be selected from a list but one class (python programming) is left out even though it is UC transferable. I’m suggesting to my son that he take Visual Basic at the community college instead of Python just because Python does not appear in the selectable list for this community college within the UC application (so I’m concerned there may be an issue with its approval from UC even though the community college says it’s approved).
I’m too much of a detail person and I get ‘hung up’ on things which give the appearance of an omission.

@diegodavis FWIW no one uses VB anymore. A language from yesteryear.