UC Art History

Hey there.

I’m taking an Art History class over the summer at my local community college. It’s worth 3 semester units, but I’m not sure if it meets the A-G requirements the UC system has in place. Is anyone willing to offer any clarification?

If you’re from Arizona, you need to contact the UC’s that you are interested in, to see if they will accept this course. It has to match the course requirements and syllabi of the ART History courses taught in California Schools.

Also, can you afford the UC’s? There is NO financial aid (scholarships/grants) for non-residents. None. The reason for that is that the State provides funding to its public universities from taxpayer dollars. The UC’s and CSUs are public universities who derive their budgets from the State of California. If you live in Arizona, your parents probably pay Arizona taxes and not the high California taxes.

If you fill out the FAFSA, any funding or loans that you would qualify for would come from the federal government and are a drop in the bucket for the costs of the UC’s.

The UC’s will cost you $65K a year. There are no merit dollars and no need-based funding dollars if you don’t live in California.

Contacting UC admissions would be the best course of action to confirm that the class will meet the a-g course requirements. I would also hold on to the course syllabus just in case.

UC admissions: Email

(800) 207-1710 (within the U.S.)
(925) 298-6856 (outside the U.S.)

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Saturday & Sunday: Closed