UC Problem

I was recently admitted to UC Davis and UCLA with significant merit based aid. When completing my application in November, I was a semester fine arts credit short of the A-G requirements. I wrote that I planned to take one this semester but forgot to sign up for it. If I take the class this summer or as soon as possible will they still allow me to attend?

You would need to contact both UC’s since it is a requirement to be fulfilled by time of HS graduation. I suggest you find an on-line course as soon as possible to show the schools you are serious about completing the requirements, but you still need to notify them of the schedule update or change.

Thank you! I hadn’t even thought of an online course

Remember it has to be class in the same discipline as the other semester class.

I’d taken a ceramics class in my first semester. Would Art Appreciation be within the same discipline?

Yes, they would be in the same discipline.