UC audits?

<p>Hi! I’m currently a junior and will be applying to most, if not all, the UCs. I have heard from many friends currently seniors that UC does an auditing process. So, I have taken it upon myself to make sure I have some sort of proof for each of my activities. I just have one question-- for a volunteering experience of mine, would pictures of me and other volunteers count as such verification? I don’t keep track of all my hours there, so I don’t know what I’d do. Let me know :)</p>

<p>Your volunteering supervisor will be your verification. Less than 10% of applicants get audited so don’t worry or lie in your application.</p>

<p>You might also want to let your guidance counselor know about your activities if they are outside of school. The counselor can help vouch for you if they audit your app. </p>

<p>Pictures can’t hurt. Any other documentation, too. Just keep a file on computer. I have only had this happen with a few students each year from UC. </p>