We are in-state and didn’t receive the regents email. My S has a 2350 SAT, 5’s on AP Bio, Calc BC, English and US Hist. We also sent in his SAT II’s in Bio(800), Lit(740), Math II(800), US Hist(780). He is taking 6 AP classes in his senior year. He’s also been a varsity and club athlete for 4 years. I’m not saying he should have gotten the scholarship, but I would have thought he could have at least been invited to interview. Really confused…
@nosyla @AppAnxiety Same dude they said my admission was assured.
It’s holistic review. They don’t just look at stats.
Your son’s stats are on the low side among those who receive a Regent’s Interview.
@"light shining"
Good to know…I’m def new to all of this… what would be avg stats to get an interview? To be honest, I was thinking maybe his essays weren’t too good or his EC’s weren’t appealing…kind of in line what @StevenToCollege was implying.
Not trying to pick a fight or anything… but stat-wise, what does it take?
What’s your son’s GPA?
Based on what I have seen, your son’s SAT and SAT II scores are definitely good enough.
It must be something else.
You know, it’s just so very random.
My son received only the Alumni Scholarship email recently. On another thread for UCLA someone said that those students who received that email had a much higher chance of admittance. Can anyone on here she’s any light on that?
Howcome - I agree with Steventocollege
My son also had very high scores and good EC’s but did not get regent’s scholarship. He did not have a perfect GPA (3 B’s) and was not one of the top 5 GPA’s at his high school. Only those students got invited to the regent interviews at Cal (or got the regents scholarships automatically awarded at other UC’s). Don’t be discouraged - my son got admitted to every UC he applied to and was offered honors college at UCLA, Davis, and UCSD. Davis offered 3 scholarships that totalled 14k, much more than the regents scholarship. Cal was his dream school, however, and he choose to go there.
Nosyla - my son got the Alumni scholarship. I don’t think it raises your chance of admittance, except in the sense that students who are recommended are the top students anyways (in terms of test scores, GPA, EC’s, leadership, etc.) and always had the best chances of being admitted.
His weighted GPA was 4.5 and unweighted was 4.0. (All A’s). Also, he is a National Merit Finalist. Regardless, I guess something else about his app wasn’t good enough.
Thanks for the info and encouragement. My S was awarded an automatic Regents at another UC (not Cal or UCLA).
Was the UCLA Honors College offered when you were notified of admission, or was it offered in a separate earlier email? The reason I ask is that the UC that offered my S a Regents also offered him Honors College. They were separate notifications, but all came within a day of each other.
@howcome, it would be hard to have better stats. Makes no sense to me either.
Howcome - the UCLA honors college was offered after notice of admission. Also some scholarships that he could apply for, but by then he had already decided to attend Cal. The honors program is only in the College of Letters and Science, so your child’s major would have to be in that college.
@howcome Please don’t listen to the comments about your sons stats being low for Regents. They are certainly not. None of us know the exact process or what is all considered in the final decisions. My d’s stats are similar (though your son has more APs) and she was offered regents. I will tell you that she has a very compelling life story and writes well. I would not muster a guess as to why one person gets these over another. I tell my d it all works out and she will end up exactly where she is supposed to be. I hope your son ends up at the college of his dreams either way.
@howcome Your son’s stats sound excellent. My son got Regents two years ago. He did not get offered anything extra at UCLA, UCD, UCSD or UCSB. So sometimes I think it is the luck of the draw for who actually reads your application. He had all A’s, with the most rigorous schedule at his school, decent test scores (32 ACT) and he had tons of leadership (Editor-in-Chief of the school paper, captain (and MVP) of 2 sports teams, ASB Vice President, etc…). He also had an outside, somewhat unique, EC that he had a leadership role in, and a summer job.
The stats are definitely in line for Regents. I’ve seen postings here and on the UCLA forum where the stats are considerably lower so anyone suggesting they are low is being provocative. If it’s true that only the top 5 kids from a school are offered the interview as @yomama12 suggests, that may shed some light–but if it’s truly holistic, that may not be true either. It may also vary by major.
does everyone get the email to apply for the leadership award scholarship? and will applying for it help chances of being admitted? im OOS and really want to end up in California so fingers crossed
My son got disability supplemental. What do we need to report in a disability supplement?
The diagnoses? The symptoms?
Exactly 31 days until uc berkeley release its decisions. Decision day will be here in no time!
Heard this from a friend who works with Admissions to decide who gets Regent’s Interviews. Take with a grain of salt:
After seeing a certain level of stats, application readers will score your essays out of 5. If you receive a 5 on each essay, you will receive an interview.
I got the supplemental questionnaire and applied for Pre-Business
4.0 weighted, 3.57 unweighted
Tons of extra curriculars
Started two companies while in high school
Tons of volunteer hours
31 ACT, 1920 SAT
Chances with the questionnaire?
@halloplsacceptme what’s the supplemental questionnaire?
Stats seem low but I heard with Berkley they are looking for that stand out person. You seem to have that. Good luck to you!