*UC Berkeley Class of 2025 discussion**

Does anyone know if all the early decisions have gone out or more are yet to go out on Friday?

Are you talking about the SEEDs program? It stands for STEM Excellence through Equity & Diversity so might not apply to someone who is majoring in Economics and Policy.

Look at the links at the bottom of his portal acceptance. The info should be there if he qualifies.

Thanks for the response. I am talking about Regent Scholar.
I apologize if I am asking something which doesn’t make sense

The links for the different programs (including Regents) should be at the bottom of his acceptance in his portal. Do you see a link to Regents there?

I will ask him to check the portal, however the letter didn’t have any links or any mentions about the scholarship(s).

I am basing this on what my child received last year. The email should be directing him to the portal to check for admission decisions. Can someone who was admitted this year confirm that?

Last year’s email was titled “An Update to your UC Berkeley Application” and said, “Important decision updates have been posted to your application for admission at UC Berkeley.” Everything else is found once you log onto your portal.

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Yes he got the same email and checked his result, but no details on scholarship. Looks like he didn’t get any scholarship 
 deftly happy on acceptance :slight_smile:

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Congratulations on the acceptance! For what it is worth, I don’t believe any scholarships have been awarded. Both Regents and SEEDS are invites to apply for the scholarship.

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Did everyone get this email?

I’m curious to see if anyone who got this, might have a status update today. Highly doubt it but we never know

I have a question
unless they reviewed all the applicants already, how would they know who to accept early and who not to? Doesnt that technically mean they have all the decisions, so why don’t they release them now, instead of waiting?


Why would there be an status update today when the email said March 25, 2021?

I saw someone on reddit earlier say one more wave of ed decisions were going out today and all the other decisions on march 25th. They could be wrong of course and it could just be hearsay likely.

I dunno, but if the email from UCB Admissions said 3/25/21 I would think that is the next date for an update for anyone that received that email.


That’s a great point. As all portions of the app are submitted electronically (with very few exceptions for portfolios, etc.), the UCB Admissions peeps have all the info at the time the evaluations were made that resulted in admissions decisions that were sent out this week.

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They’ve only reviewed the students to the point of deciding who is in the scholarship candidate “pile” (for certain select scholarships) and who is not. Among those who are not, I’d assume there is much more reviewing and decision-making to be done.

Wouldn’t they still have to go through every application for that, considering they do holistic decisions? And then put people in the scholarhsip pile? Would they really reread and debate almost 110,000+ apps again, since only 1-2% or so got in recently?


There is not much to the app itself aside from the essays. It would be assumed to get to this point ALL apps had to be reviewed to some extent with (as you said) further review later.

For the early admits/scholarship candidates, there are clearly in-house metrics that trigger being in that “pile” and getting the “yes” up front. However, as the CA State Auditor pointed out, those metrics also could be nothing more than (at times) random decisions:



" * UC Berkeley and UCLA have not established criteria for selecting from among the thousands of applicants who apply each year. Because of the campuses’ lack of criteria, it is unclear why—in addition to the inappropriate admissions we describe in the previous sections—they have frequently admitted applicants with lower ratings while denying admission to applicants their readers have more highly recommended.

  • All three campuses we reviewed selected applicants for admission who did not meet university eligibility requirements, but could not demonstrate that they had identified those applicants as ineligible, and had not documented a rationale for admitting many of those applicants."

And there is also the additional aspect of intl applicants too. If they have some system where certain stats automatically get moved to a folder or pile or whatever, they may get additionally reviewed but intl applicants have different systems of education and may not have GPA. They also have to make sure the people getting decisions and scholarships have met a-g requirements for the most part. I feel that would a tedious process if it was done manually twice, and would be much easier if they did it once, and the top most candidates were then pushed to a seperate pile for decisions/ scholarships etc.

I have heard that some people with decent gpas and 1300s sats got regents over the years but their ecs and essays made them stand out more than their courses, which means they made a holistic decision, implying they likely went over every admission already just to split the pile

There is not multiple waves for admission to Berkeley. Rest of the results will be released in March

it seems a bit odd that the special program applicants at berkeley such as MET haven’t ALL been notified yet, as their decisions should come earlier than the regular pool (L&S or just engineering)