*UC Berkeley Class of 2025 discussion**

If we were admitted into UCLA do we have good shot at Berkeley? I know they don’t evaluate applicants the same way but overall is it a similar process?

All that can be said is that you are a competitive applicant. There definitely been cross admits between the 2 schools but each school is reviewing applicants differently.

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r u sure?? ucla came out today though

UCB’s portal says the 25th. UCLA came out yesterday.

Wow, UCB applications increased by 28% since last year!

It’s a 43% jump for OOS. Lost hope :slight_smile:

first of all @Gumbymom ur the goat on every forum on here ahahah, so thank u!! would u know how hard it is to transfer from a private school to Berkeley? i got almost a full ride to u of San diego but Berkeley is a total dream school, so was wondering if u had any insight on that

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Transferring to UCB will depend upon your Transfer GPA and the completion of the transfer course requirements.

Issues with private schools vs. a community college or another UC is that some courses at the private university may not articulate to the course requirements at UCB.

A UC to UC or a CC to UC transfer are easier since assist.org lists the articulated courses for transfer. You might want to check with the private university to see if they have any articulation agreements with UCB.

Below is some GPA information for transfer by major for each UC campus: Transfers by major | University of California

Also here is some information for transfer by source school: Admissions by source school | University of California


if I didn’t get into UCLA CS am I screwed for UCB eecs?

hey, I’m just a fellow applicant but I don’t think so! UCs look for different things and what might appeal to one school might not be what another is looking for. I’ve also been rejected by UCLA but I’m still holding out hope for Berkeley :).

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Not necessarily, My son (and another poster above) was admitted to EECS but was waitlisted at UCLA for CS. Cal and UCLA clearly look for different things!

Wow! That gives me some hope.

So I’ve been waitlisted at UCD and UCLA, but accepted at UCI and UCSD. Do you guys think I’m competitive for Berkeley?

I was waitlisted at ucsd accepted davis and northeastern and rejected ucla?? any shot at ucb?

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son was accepted at Davis and UCSB and rejected UCLA, thinking Cal is a long shot even though dad was a UCB grad.

Not necessarily. Last year my friend got into EECS but rejected from UCLA

I have not received any invitations for a letter of recommendation, and I am very anxious if this will affect my decisions in any way? Does anyone know if people get in without LORs?

Just wanted to say Im with you, Im sure you will get in to Berkeley, and I shall think the same for myself. Good luck!!


Only a small percentage of applicants will get the LOR request.

My daughter received a request for LORs. But her gpa is lower than average for Cal. She sent them in, of course. She has great ECs for her major, but don’t think that is enough since she was denied from Davis.