UC Berkeley Class of 2026 Waitlist/Appeal Discussion

Where did you hear that they were releasing today?

i think its because last year was out 5/10

Anything guys?
Glitches ?

why are you asking abt glitches

Itā€™s an indication of acceptance

Every year, there are glitches.

No glitches but when I pushed the link it took longer to display the error messageā€¦idk if thatā€™s significant in any way since itā€™s never showed like that!


Nvmā€¦think that mustā€™ve simply been my internet connectionā€¦

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What time have waitlist decisions come out in previous years?

around 3:00ā€¦ I donā€™t think they will come out today.

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Yeah, not today apparently.

Things are getting weird.

berkeley is the only UC to not have released any waitlist decisions

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Is it possible that they wonā€™t accept anyone of the waitlist this year?

Yes it is possible. Happened with UCSD last year.

yeah but I feel that if they werenā€™t going to then they wouldnā€™t do the extended deadline for admitted students from may first to may eighth. Maybe they are under enrolled by a good amount?


I hope your correct and we all get inā€¦ā€¦also does our major play a role in our acceptance?

Wait they extended the SIR deadline? That might be why.

Are you sure abt this information?

Iā€™m not sure, Iā€™m asking him/her.

They better release it soon else Iā€™ll turn them down even I get in eventually.

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