UC Berkeley Class of 2026 Waitlist/Appeal Discussion

It’s just weird that there is no sign of acceptance on this thread or Reddit unlike other ucs like ucsb, ucla, ucsd, uci, uci etc. Last yr there were ppl who told they got off on this sub but this yr the info is coming from other sources and mainly from the word of mouth

do you think they waitlisted not a lot of peeps? because they’re being cautious about the number of students

i think the international wave is going out right now…

Someone from my school got off 2 days ago. Instate

Somebody on zeemee said that uc berleley arent taking phone calls until next week. Called to confirm and it is true. Does this mean decisions are tomorrow

Are you sure they’re in state…? Their status could still be international even if they attended a HS in CA.

im an international student and i havent received anything yet even tho some are saying that it was the oos students wave :frowning: guess its time to move on lol

Attending high schools in CA makes them in-state students.

They just released a wave yesterday

I think there will be another wave after a week from yesterday

False, I go a public school and several of my friends are still intl even they attend a CA public school.


is it confirmed that they released a wave yesterday? since its weird how I’ve seen people on cc get off the wl for the previous year but this year its total silence here

yes definitely instate :frowning:

i dont think berkeley waitlists are a once in a week thing like nyu since I’ve seen people get off of it on random days that weren’t necessarily weeks apart

Not so. If their parents aren’t living and working in California, or if they relocated to California in order for their kids to attend school here, they are still international even if they graduate from a Californian high school.

Do you know what major or college?

Well, I don’t know. I have done some research on Google. It says that those who attend high schools in CA count as in-state students for UCs only but not for other schools.

“No. To be a resident for tuition purposes, undergraduate students generally must either have parent(s) who are considered California residents or must have been completely financially independent for two years.“

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Yea sorry this is false. I attend a large competitive high school in CA bay area, and I know many people who are still considered international.


Any in state offers made? Should we expect a response tomorrow based on if anyone got in contact with the admissions staff at Berkeley. Please comment and let us know what they said

i think its just a waiting game at this point cause offers can be made whenever