UC Berkeley Class of 2027 Official Thread

My son is also deciding between Cal Poly SLO and Berkely for CS(EECS at UCB). His friends, teachers want him to attend UCB.

Its 30 minutes from home and he’s thinking of staying at home for years 2/3/4 to cut down costs.


Do any of these friends go to Cal? If not, I wouldn’t assign any credibility.

“Cal is toxic and cut-throat” is a very well-worn admissions trope. Cal is competitive because there are a lot of smart kids competing for plum research and career opportunities. I’ve never heard of students sabotaging each other, but I constantly see examples of students pushing each other to get better. And to me, that’s one of the biggest benefits of going to Cal.


If you are in the east bay, the commute is totally doable. My son would have loved to have that option but we are in the peninsula and the commute is a bit too long.

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I didn’t take it that way. I know there are common misperceptions about the culture at Cal and I was worried about them too. Just wanted to share how my kid’s experience has been. My son’s good friend goes to UCLA and they both happy with their decisions :slight_smile:

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my daughter is considering UCSD and Berkeley as well! Biological science in Roosevelt college at SD but with Regents

These kids are Freshmen(2 kids) and Sophomores(3 kids) from UCB.

My student has lived in Berkeley the past two years, but will take the 30 minute BART ride home occasionally midweek and head back to campus at night or the next morning in time for class. That seems to work pretty well but she does say BART has been less reliable since the pandemic so has to allow time for delays. Definitely think that staying close to campus the first year is a good idea if possible.

How is the school spirit since Cal has a football team?

Nah I hope you dont remove your comment. I think kids from different areas will give different feed back. Admittedly, we live in SF, so going to Cal for my kids is not a challenge for them in terms of adapting to a city. But if that’s not something you are used to, then first year can be tough, when added with hard classes.


In that case I would try to get a better understanding of the “why” behind the comments and see if those would be applicable to your son. You should also have your son reach to alumni and attend Cal day etc. Get a more first hand perspective and if the red flags persist you go with your other options but you may also end up realizing that the concerns are misplaced. Good luck!

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great question. Sports at Cal, specifically the revenue generating ones (football, mens basketball) have been down in recent years. When I was there in the 90s, football and basketball were a huge deal. But it has been so-so, especially since 2019. Things are looking up (maybe), as the basketball team just hired a new head coach who looks very promising, and football will have a whole new look this year. Plus Cal signed a multiyear contract with Nike, so look for brand new uniforms for all the teams next year.


isn’t this a no brainer?

He’s staying at Dorms first year, wants to enjoy his college life. Year 2 is when he may move back(Rents are insane and 30 mins or less from home is doable if he wants to graduate debt-free).

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We are in East Bay.

9 posts were split to a new thread: UC Application vs Transcript discrepancy

Since first choice is Applied Math, it will be very difficult for your kid to even transfer to Computer Science. You should reconsider Berkeley if he intends to major in CS as that would be nearly impossible due to the High Impacted major rules effective Fall 2023

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Is this even a close? Perpetual top 3 program in the nation vs. a Cal State program.


FWIW, Applied Math places quites well in CS jobs so it shouldn’t be a deal breaker unless the CS major is non-negotiable.

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The 3.3 gpa requirement on the three courses (CS61A, CS61B and CS70) to declare CS is gone

FYI - do not use UCB :smile: …use Cal, Berkeley, UC Berkeley
