UC Berkeley Class of 2027 Official Thread

So, my son still has not filled out Parent’s Info Form! Why do some kids procrastinate.( like mine)?I

Hello! My son will be attending CAL L&S. Go Bears!

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If your child has not filled out PARENT INFO FORM then we don’t get an e-mail!

she filled it out on her portal, but we didn’t get email?? hmmm

That is strange!
Wondering what is your child’s intended major?

Biological Science- Molecular Cell biology

Oh great! My older son is a sophomore at BioPhy/BioChem at Stanford( pre-med). My Cal Son is Applied Math major. My older son is always visiting Cal to party :slight_smile: and not he is super happy as his younger bro will be at Cal.

Was gonna say, other UCs were also seeing tons of movement.


A local article on the sticky issue of being named for a pretty awful person…

I have a Community College summer school question, if anyone happens to know. D was planning on taking econ and stats this summer through CC to get those two Cal requirements out of the way. To have the courses fulfill Cal requirements, do you need to take them for a letter grade or can you take them pass/fail? I know you need a C or above for them to count, although isn’t a C the equivalent of a Pass so basically the same thing? Any insights?

I believe that this would depend on the college or department. What is her college (if I’m not mistaken, she’s in Rausser?) and major?

Here’s the listing for Rausser advisors: https://nature.berkeley.edu/advising/meet-rausser-advisors

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Hi All…we submitted SAT score for ELWR waiver. How do we make sure it is accepted and ELWR is waived?

This task does show up under “completed tasks”. probably this means accepted?

There is a degree progress option on Cal Central that will show all requirements for the major and if they have been met and what course or test was used to meet the requirement.

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you are awesome…thank you :clap:

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(just got off waitlist this week)

I didn’t take an AP test that I had said I was going to take on my application (AP gov). I filled out the corresponding form in the portal after I submitted my SIR. However, I recently received an email that said that students shouldn’t submit an SIR until they hear back about the changes they made—since technically it’s a change in the terms of conditions. The problem is that since I got off the waitlist, the deadline for the SIR is this sunday, and anyways, I’ve already submitted it.
This is ok, right? Based on what the internet seems to be saying, they don’t care if you don’t take an AP test; they just want to know which ones you do end up taking so they can remove the tests that you didn’t take from your task list on calcentral.
thanks in advance!

Not sure if anyone else is in my son’s situation, but it does look like my son will be able to opt out of fall program for first semester. He has over 60 units of dual credit he’ll be bringing to Berkeley and it may be too much to make use of the FPF program.

Can anyone familiar with the program share some details before he opts out? Are all freshman placed in the program? Are there any advantages we should know about?

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The falcon chicks have been named.


Only about 750 students are in FPF every fall. Do the 60 units fulfill some or all of the 7 L&S breadth requirements? If your student still needs to fulfill reading and comprehension and math it could still be useful. Have you reached out to FPF with your questions and told them the specific courses your student has taken?
(My son transferred with 27 units (combined test scores and DE)that fulfilled all his GE, and there were still good courses for him in FPF.

does anyone know if i can use the update form on the map@berkeley to ask a question about a little transcript discrepency? or is it strictly just for if you arent meeting a condition of admission?