UC Berkeley Class of 2027 Official Thread

Are berkely earlies coming out tomorrow? Also how many people do they usually send it out to?

No confirmation from UC Berkeley regarding early admit decisions. I have no data for Fall 2022, but Fall 2021 UCB admitted early around 950 Freshman applicants.


And how many of these were for regents? if I remember, you mentioned that some admits are from special programs at Berkeley, too

Sorry, I do not have the breakdown of how many Regents invites vs. other High stat applicants and special programs.

Are both freshmen and transfers notified early, or just freshman?

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Just Freshman Regents invites will be notified for the Early admits. Transfers have a different process for Regents which is automatic and students are notified with their decisions in April.

Which UC campus sends out Regent invitations in Feb besides Cal?

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For many years, UCLA determined Regents based on what was included in the UC application. For the past several years, they sent an invite to top applicants, asking them to apply for Regents (an additional essay). This invite, sent in February, was not an acceptance. Last year, UCLA invited top applicants to apply but the invite didn’t arrive until after admission decisions in March.

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Only 2 campuses invite Freshman applicants for Regents: UCB and UCLA. UCLA did not send out invites last year until March.

For Transfers, only UC Davis sends invites in February. The rest of the campuses are automatic and UCSB does not offer Regents to transfers.

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@scrambro posted (in the portal astrology thread) that the admitted students website was updated.

Is this the first year that Berkeley is doing regional receptions?

Regional Receptions – April 2023

We will be visiting many areas around the state of California and a few places across the country. Join us at an event near you to learn more about Berkeley and get your questions answered. Events will take place in Northern California, the Central Valley, and California, as well as outside of the state including Washington D.C., New York, Chicago, Miami, and Atlanta. Come back to this page in March for more details and to register.

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Cal decisions are out …my DD goit in…


Congrats - that’s fantastic! Is a a Regent’s candidate?

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she is in school so don’t hv much info just that she got mail to check her portal. It seems there are 125 K applicants this year

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Holy cow, mine just texted too - she’s in!

Good luck, everyone!


Time to change the handle!!!

Might be helpful to summarize major, stats etc.

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Congratulations, can you pl. tell the major?

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No, that handle is eternal - always UCB, always mom, and always worried about something lol

Stats are not that impressive for UCB to be honest: UW 3.9, W 4.1. I’m not sure of her UC GPA, but I would guess a bit higher - maybe 4.2 or 4.3 because of DE classes. Only 4 APs (2 junior year, two senior) and submitted no AP test scores. Took 6 or 7 DE classes, though.

She applied CNR.


Congrats! I think we were talking about USFCA a couple of weeks ago. I think I can guess where your D is headed :grinning:.


Congrats anyway. As mom’s we are always worried.


So excited for you guys! You can stop worrying! :smiley: