UC Berkeley Class of 2027 Official Thread

I think they need to move on. It would be fantastic. over 1000 rooms?
but it is such a divisive issue.

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Any word on the impact of the CEQA lawsuit on CO 2027 admissions to UCB? The last minute legislation had a big impact on CO 2026 admissions last year.

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We visited Berkeley last weekend and my daughter absolutely loved it. The campus is beautiful. I loved the library. For a Sunday, there were lots of people hanging out on the grass or walking around, and the library was so full of students working–she was happy to see that–most other campuses we’ve visited on weekends were super dead. She took some homework and joined in for a while. :smile: She’s feeling like March is the longest month ever.


it’s like that year round. really vibrant campus and city


My daughter has some friends at Berkeley who arranged for her to sit in on their freshman seminar last night and she came back so excited - she said all the students were so passionate and engaged and she felt like she really found her people. She is definitely feeling more enthusiastic about Cal these days!


I was accepted to Berkeley on 10th feb. Ever since I have researched about the uni and it is phenomenal. The opportunities, networking and the cal weather makes it an ideal college experience.


There is peregrine falcon drama - Annie has taken a new lover.

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How about the pressure? I have heard kids buckle under the pressure and actually ending up changing majors. Has anyone seen/heard any such cases?

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Cal doesn’t have a strong Alumni network compare to other selective schools.


In what sense? Are you referring to lining up jobs after graduation?


Alumni doesn’t look out for the new graduates. This is just in general. Of course nothing is absolute. I have a family of Cal Bears and many others I have known.

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That’s really a statement that applies to all UC schools. UCLA is often seen as the UC school with the “shiniest, happiest students,” yet UCLA’s alumni network is nothing to write home about either. I’m sure Berkeley is the same. Fact is, the UC’s are not places where anyone is going to hold the student’s hand, and the students know it. UC bureaucracy is real, so you grow a thicker skin and learn to advocate for yourself, or you find another place more suited to your needs. In the job market and networking, UC graduates understand the value of the UC degree, but if it’s alumni network you really want, go to a private school.

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It really depends on the kid. Berkeley requires a certain level of independence and resilience. Some students are built that way and they will absolutely thrive at Berkeley. For others not wired that way, Cal can be a life-changing experience. While no one is going to hold their hands, Cal provides tools and resources. And with the right parental encouragement and social support, these kids will transform into a more resilient and independent adult by the time they graduate.

Of course, there will always be a few in each class who will struggle at Cal and its important for students to introspect and parents to make a judgement on whether their kid is likely to benefit from the Cal environment.

Last point - the recent changes to direct admit for high demand majors will make the Cal experience far better in coming years. There will be no GPA declaration hurdles and class sizes wil become much more manageable. Sticking to COE for a second, the new engineering building will also make the facilities match the world-class quality of the program.

I really think Cal’s best days are ahead.


Lou is already showing signs of being a great dad

I will share that with my daughter. She would love an environment like that. Fingers crossed!


I agree!

When is the new building going to be completed?

ETA - early 2025


My Cal student did change her major because of the pressure. I know several other Cal students that did, as well. For extremely intense and highly driven students, Cal can be life changing and phenomenal. My daughter was always ambitious but the grind at Cal has worn her down. The unrelenting crime, the grit, the lack of administrative support and the cut-throat nature at Cal has not been good for her mental health. She was on campus when the person set themselves on fire the other day and it traumatized her greatly. Cal is amazing but make sure your student is really ready for drinking from the Cal fire hose.


What was her original major and what did she change to (if you’re comfortable sharing that)? Has the change of major improved her experience substantially?

(And I am so sorry she experienced that trauma; I have read that Cal has offered some counseling services to students who were affected; I hope she has some support in processing what she so unfortunately witnessed.)

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She originally planned on Data Science. She now is majoring in Society and Environment in the Rausser College of Natural Resources. Overall it fits well with her new career goal. Thank you for the information about counseling for the students who witnessed the fire. I saw a video of it posted on the Cal parents’ Facebook page and that alone was traumatic to watch. I cannot imagine what it felt like to be there in person, watching helplessly.