UC Berkeley Class of 2027 Official Thread

Hmmm that’s a tough one, in my opinion. Dorms are a great way to meet people and make friends. They also take the pressure off of learning your way around the Bay Area to get to class and safely home before you’ve even had a chance to settle into college life and a new city. And apartments here are expensive, especially if you want something near campus. I’ve heard many of the dorms leave much to be desired, but I don’t think you really save yourself time, money, and aggravation by living off campus the first year.

The exception to this might be if your student already has a group of friends at Cal who all plan to share an off campus apartment and have some solid leads on reasonable places within their budget and in a safe-ish neighborhood.

But personally I would take the first year to meet people, get your bearings, adjust to life, and then maybe think of moving off campus in your second year, if you have some good potential room mates for that.


Depends on what experience you believe your student prefers. Housing is tight at UCB and some students are placed in tight spaces 3-4 at a time with bunkbeds. It’s the ultimate in communal living, but one could get cabin fever rather quickly. If your student prefers more space and privacy, off-campus housing might be more suitable. UCB is sufficiently integrated into the City of Berkeley such that one could live in the City and not feel cut off from campus. Or there are some nearby towns (El Cerrito, Emeryville) that could be suitable if your student wants to get away every night. Students commute to UCB from all points in the Bay Area. Obviously, access to a car will impact options.

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My opinion is that Berkeley is a large campus and can feel isolating. It is important for students to find their “tribe.” Most of time, students meet their first friends in the dorms. As time goes on, they may become friends with kids in class or clubs. If they don’t already have a social network, I would recommend that they live in the dorms.


UC Santa Cruz confirmed March 20 for regular decisions in an email today.


Good Luck to all those who are waiting!


Hoping for the best lol. Apparently UC Davis is coming out tomorrow.


@worriedmomucb @ucsantacruzmom This is a great perspective. Since my kids are twins, they could try in the neighborhood - however, team building/ comradery/ social circle comes only by being on campus and hanging out with your group.

The other big concern was crime late at night. Group studies often will go on late into the night and leave campus or even drive home - is this considered safe?

I personally think it is safe enough in downtown Berkeley (if you have at least a little street smarts for urban life). But I think it would depend where their off campus housing was located - how far would they have to go and to what city/neighborhood? Driving, however, is another issue entirely: while perfectly safe to do in my opinion, parking can be tricky around campus. There are some parking garages, but you have to check how late they’re open. I don’t drive, so I’m not totally sure there.


You are already in UCR and UCM, right? But eagerly waiting on UCB and UCLA?

One thing to remember is that most of the UCB dorms are themselves at least a few blocks away from campus and nearby apartments are full of students. I believe even off-campus students participate in Golden Bear orientation through which many form their first friend groups. My daughter says she feels pretty comfortable roaming around the area close to campus with friends and even solo in the evening and at night because there are usually other students walking around.

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They also have Bear Walk, I believe, if someone feels uncomfortable walking home at night. This would work for the immediate neighborhood (but not if the off campus housing is further away).


I’m in UCM. Didn’t apply to Riverside. Yeah, I am waiting for UCB and UCLA as most people probably are lol.


Is anyone following the Big Give campaign today? They’re at over $10 million total. It’s interesting to see the top groups on the various leaderboard. Model UN must have campaigned hard :slight_smile:

I’ve received donation requests today from any organization I was ever affiliated with at Cal. We’re not answering our phone tonight because the phone bank calls start around 6 pm.

Oh, thanks for the heads up about the phone banking! I’ve gotten all the emails, but didn’t know round two would be coming over the wire.

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If you drive in regularly, you don’t want to deal with street parking, and definitely want to use the parking garages. And of course, there’s BART.

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Yeah, I’m on an AC transit bus line and usually take that myself, although my daughter prefers to take BART (which is also reasonably close to us, although a bit farther than the bus stop). But there are definitely public transportation options, depending on where they end up finding housing.

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Recent Medium piece that might be of interest to folks


We went up to Tilden a couple of weeks ago when it was snowing. Just beautiful!


I still love a trip to the Little Farm to feed the cows :slight_smile:

And Berkeley Marina has some great water sports that are super cheap for Cal students - including Cal Sailing Club (which offer sailing and windsurfing) and various dragonboating teams (including a Cal student team).