UC Berkeley Fall 2021: Transfer Thread

Got it! Yes I already submitted TAU from the UC application and the major prereq form from Berkeley’s portal. I was just wondering if UC Berkeley has their own separate TAU form in their portal beside the UC application. Thanks

I am also applying as a junior transfer to UCB from NJ :slight_smile:
Intended major: Electrical/ Computer Engineering
Minor: Comp Sci

You look like a strong candidate to me. It’s too bad you didn’t get in last year. It’s probably a crap shoot this year. The only thing is there are probably more applicants this year than last, so…

My son was accepted last year as a transfer, and is attending now, and is really happy (despite stupid COVID), BUT I think he would be happy at most any of the schools he got into. Just be determined wherever you go to get all out of it - socially and academically - that you can, and you will be happy.

Good luck.

Hey everyone, I’m checking this thread bc my brother applied as a business admin transfer student and I’m super nervous for him! Does anyone have any idea when the admissions decisions might start popping up?

It normally late April, so a long time away

yikessss, okay thank you!

It says on my Berkeley applicant portal that they will release decisions on April 23rd!

Any other UC Berkeley TAP students here? My 3.75 GPA isn’t the highest so I’m pretty worried, but I did get A’s in all my major prereqs and have 90 quarter units and IGETC complete. Fingers crossed we all get in!

Hi everyone, I am getting two email from the UC admission office asking some questions about my application. They said they are viewing my application and they want me to explain their questions. In the application, I am planning to get a certificate and they are asking now, so I give the proof to them. In the second email, they ask a different question. Is this a good thing or bad thing, I am happy they are asking for more questions, but is this a good sign?

I’m not sure if its necessarily a good sign, but its definitely not a bad sign. I think since you said you were going to get a certificate, they just wanted to verify that it actually happened. Back in January, I heard some other students got parts of their application audited and UC just wants to make sure students are telling the truth on their application. If it’s not from a specific school but the UC application center, I don’t think it means much, but I could be wrong.

3.75 is not terrible. There is a page at the UC website that list the admissions data for each major at each separate campus (google UC admissions by major). There you’ll find the 25% - 75% data regarding GPAs for admitted students for your major.

You can still get in if your GPA falls below the 25% lower end number - remember, a full quarter of the admitted students fall BELOW the 25% GPA number for every major (and a quarter of the admitted students are ABOVE the 75% high end GPA). Note that accepted students falling below the 25% number have GPAs that are very close.

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Didn’t know this page existed, and after looking at CS rates, wishing I still didn’t know :joy:


Hi all,

I am currently a UCI student that got into Berkeley last year during the transfer cycle from a CCC and I just wanted to pay it forward for those anxious about decisions this year as those in my shoes before did for me. I will leave my stats below and feel free to reach out if you guys have any questions.

Gender: Male
GPA: 3.84
Major: Economics
No extracurriculars from CC
Accepted into zero schools out of high school, that was why I attended CC.
Accepted: UCI Biz Econ, UCSB Econ & Accounting
Waitlisted: UCLA Biz Econ

I was part of the UCLA CCCP program and I think they played a large role in helping prepare me for my PIQs. Overall, my PIQs were above average in my opinion but definitely not the best.

Out of all the PIQs I had drafted, I think my most impactful one was the one that asked about why I chose economics as my major. In this one, I showed my strong interest in economics by telling the reader how I had applied what I learned in the classroom into my sneaker reselling business. I would like to think that that was what made me a competitive applicant as I showed that I was not only an applicant that applied what I learned from the classroom to the real world, but I also had experience learning from my parents as they were business owners themselves. Overall, I honestly did not expect to get into Berkeley but it came as a surprise to me. Again, I am more than happy to answer questions and excited for all of you to be starting a new chapter after community college!


A dad here (have a 2020 grad who was a CCC transfer)

Here is the UC Data Center stats. It is both a blast and rabbit hole to dive into.

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Hey al1226,

I have almost identical stats to you LOL.
I am currently a ccc transfer student waiting for decisions.
Here are my stats:
GPA: 3.87
Major:Business Administration (Haas)
I was also denied acceptance from almost all of the schools I applied to out of high school which is why I attended ccc.
I also resell sneakers and own a small vintage streetwear reselling business which I wrote about in my PIQS.
Thank you for your post.
I wish everyone good luck!


Good stuff! What other schools did you apply to? I assume UCLA Biz Econ and UCI Biz Admin are the others?

yup I applied to UCLA Biz Econ, UCI Biz Admin, UCSB Biz Admin, UCSC Biz Admin, UCD Econ, USC Biz Admin, UCSD Econ, Cal Poly Biz Admin.

Lol. CS is hard to get into at every UC and CSU. I’m sure you know this, and thus applied to all UCs and CSUs with CS majors.

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Yeah I knew it was hard, just discouraging seeing those numbers. I currently go to a 4 year and am just trying to go to a more highly ranked program, so didn’t apply to all. We will see how it goes.

Hi guys this may have already been mentioned in this thread. But I just want to let you know that I found out that admission notifications for Berkeley should be coming out by April 23rd.
It is my son who applied as an economics major transferring from his community college. He chose not to do the TAG program.