UC Berkeley Fall 2021: Transfer Thread

Hi guys! Im late to the party but here are my stats!

GPA: 3.91
Major: History of Art
I have my AA In art history, an AA in studio art, and IGETC completed by spring.

Extra-Curricular/Work: Volunteer/student branch of political campaign, Major related internship at an art studio, environmental volunteer work, part-time job

State: CA
School Type: CC to UC

Accepted: CSULB

Hi there, the results will be available within a month, i hope everyone’s staying safe!

GPA: 4.0
Major: Electrical Engineering and Computer Science.
Extracurricular: President of Mathematics club, vp of coding club, teaching students at my Alma mater, developed iOS app and published it, participated hackathons including tree-hacks, attended Berkeley summer course.

School Type: CC to UC
Applying: Cal, UCLA, UCSD, and UCI

Cal doesn’t have a TAG program. UCLA is the same. They are the only UCs that don’t.

I have a question: does receiving an email from cal’s college of Letters and Science to submit your supplemental stuff mean anything? Like it’s not just office of admissions, it’s college of college of letters specifically, which handles the humanities where my major is under. And then I immediately got an email from UC applications to submit my unofficial transcript.

The UC application center requesting unofficial transcripts is for the most part random and many students are audited for that information every year. I don’t think it means anything. However, the email from Letters and Science for supplemental information could potentially mean something. What sort of information were they requesting?

They were just asking me for supplemental forms, which basically was to go on the UC applications and confirm I followed the IGETC method. I know that’s pretty standard, but the source threw me off.

When did you get that email?

So turns out the withdrawal thing in the portal was correct for the freshmen. What do you guys see in your portal withdrawal thing?

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What does it say for your portal when you press the withdrawal button?

OMG does that mean I got waitlisted??? :frowning: I got the “I wish to withdraw my application from further consideration.” What do you guys see?

Mine says the same thing! I’m really scared but I don’t think they’re done reviewing applications yet.

What’s the withdrawal thing? I’m afraid to click it because I don’t want to accidentally withdraw LOL

I’m confused about the withdrawal thing as well. Is this what everyone is referring to? *UC Berkeley Class of 2025 discussion** - #687 by pjk2002

I think this is the one that everyone is talking about

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I would guess our decisions are too far out that our withdrawal options would not be updated yet, considering the freshmen didn’t notice until the day before, regardless, mine and everyone else in this thread so far is the waitlist option, which I think also points to an indication that it hasn’t been updated.

Yeah I think so too. Just asked a friend and their portal also indicates the waitlist option. Seems like we still have to wait for another month :weary:

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Mines waitlist option as well

I wish I could just skip the next month and get all my uc decisions at once :sob:

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Yea mine is also the waitlist option. I asked few other people, they have the same waitlist option. This message was probably there from day 1 of submission of our application. This just means if we withdraw now , they wont even review our application. So, basically nothing has been updated yet for the transfers. Still a long way to go.

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