UC Berkeley Fall 2021: Transfer Thread

Actually if you could screenshot the middle part of it, it will be highly appreciated. I attached mine here:

Yall, it feels like there are less unauthorized people. Why are we assuming that these are the rejections?

That’s what I’m saying, man. There is no middle part.

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just based on how it worked with freshman admissions

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This is crazy, impressive stats. If I get in, I’ll give it you guys, you deserve more haha.

Econ 4.0
Took 3 additional math courses
immigrant(permanent resident) who came to America with parents from a middle-income family
ECs: I had some rewards when I attended high school in China(merit student/outstanding graduate/prizes on some competitions)/some volunteers/two working(internship) experiences/and lots of hobbies
A special thing about me is that I was once a student in a university in Hong Kong and I dropped out of that university due to the protest breaking out in Hong Kong in 2019. So I am actually not sure if this experience ruined my application or made my application.


It seems that everyone either has the waitlist or rejected withdraw message; I have yet to read a post on here where someone says they got the accepted message, so for now I am just going to assume that they fixed the glitch

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I was also rejected. 4.0 and applied econ like you. Noticed a lot of the econ applicants got unauthorized.

I am econ applicant but hasn’t get the msg yet I’m scared

Unauthorized. 3.83 Bio. Full time job, single mom, low income, first generation college student, a ton of work and leadership experience (I’m 38).

It’s a selective major with a lot of outstanding applicants.

It still wouldn’t make sense why there’s two different messages. It has to mean something

I lean more towards unauthorized is rejected and that the other message is accepted/waitlisted

Ok, this the most impressive resume, and should be a red flag. This is a holistic admissions wet dream. Maybe they fixed it.


for real! super impressive :open_mouth:

It’s not abnormally selective though like Haas, eecs, or cs. I’d say it’s just as selective as any popular major.

Start over guy, no ones rejected!

Spoke with a friend who works in UCB Admissions and while they can’t say what’s going on, they did say to just hold on and not jump to conclusions! I know it’s a really stressful time but just know that we all did what we could, things will come out in 21 hours so check then. All of this speculation is cool, but it also causes a lot of consternation. Just watch a movie or something and wish for the best :smiley:


Aw thank you. You just made me tear up.

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You should not be rejected anywhere, that’s criminal

Regardless of tomorrow’s decisions we should all feel proud! It takes tremendous determination to apply to a school like UCB :slight_smile: