UC Berkeley Freshman Class of 2026 Discussion

No emails have come out for Regents yet today.


They typically come out after 3:30pm PST, right?


So just to clarify. We’re speculating that regents invites will go out later today based upon historical patterns. :crossed_fingers:

Another post stated that Cal normally releases a statement saying that regents is near or something like that. And another post stated Cal did in fact do this but to counselors oniy. My question is does Cal normally only announce to counselors or in an email/announcement to the general population?
TIA for response.

Hey @Gumbymom. I believe that GPA is a very important (although not sole) component in determining Regents selection. It’s also my understanding that for OOS high schools, only AP classes are given honors weightage in calculating the UC GPA, but not actual honors classes, correct?

So if a school offers a lot of honors classes but few APs then a student at such a school would be disadvantaged in the UC system (for both admission as well as Regents) due to their receiving a lower weighted GPA. Is that accurate?

thanks again.

Just be patient. Very soon, you will know In or Out.

On the day that the regents released, MET decision will also be released.

In you are out for MET, then, you will have to wait until Berkeley RD day to know whether it is in or out for EECS or IEOR.

You may be invited by Regents but out for MET, that’s also possible. That means you are in EECS or IEOR. But for some reason, your business profile is not considered strong enough for the MET admission.

If you don’t get Regents invited and also out for MET, then, you simple wait for the general admission time which is typically the same day as Ivy day usually.

I am a parent for a current MET student (Class 2025)


Will GMP decision be released if Cal releases regents today?

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In my experience, financial office is separated from admission. But if you are admitted , your profile would go to financial office. You will be accepted.

Is anyone else’s portal glitchy

y’all idk if it’s always been there but there is a header that says status update but then says my application is under review underneath it. is that normal?


I stated this earlier in this discussion:

GPA is only one component involved in evaluating Regent scholars so there is no absolute GPA to get the invite. Regent scholars are exceptional students with varied accomplishments including strong academics.

The majority of Regent invites will be in-state applicants since there are about 3 times as many in-state applicants vs. OOS and International applicants.

Regents is a prestigious award along with having an early admissions decision and some great perks, however OOS and International applicants only receive the $2500/year scholarship award since they are not eligible for any need-based aid through the UC system other than Federal aid for OOS and no Federal aid for International applicants.

Have they came out yet?

Ha sit come out yet?

i meant

Has it come out yet?

Yes, I checked the portal. I never got the email but there was a status update and I got in!!!



no news here from PA

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