UC Berkeley Freshman Class of 2026 Discussion

There is crime and homelessness in the area. Lots of theft on move-in move out days. But ultimately the students there feel safe. Most is opportunity thefts. Our son is perfectly comfortable there.


rejected, oos, aerospace engineering

gpa 3.85 uw, 4.75 w, 4.28 wc
14 ap/ib, 3 honors, 1 dual enrollment, 3 more in progress

ib diploma (early), 2 years ap scholar with distinction, nat. french competition (silver + gold award in freshman + sophomore year respectively), 7 ap exams (5, 4, 4, 4, 4, 3, 3)

ecs: intern with aerospace startup (6 mo.), 2 years of american rocketry competition (one year senior advisor), western aerospace scholars alum, 3 jobs beginning sophomore year (one laid off due to covid, others still employed)

not surprised though, tanked my gpa in junior year due to covid… had to take quite a few passes, did not go unnoticed XD

congrats to all the admits!!!


Counselor Conference notes on the UC Comprehensive Review:

All campuses employ some form of a Comprehensive Review, in a variety of ways using the 13 areas of criteria.

There are 3 main methodologies that the UC’s use to evaluate applications: Fixed weight, holistic, and hybrid. All of these methods have evolved over time with the growth of the UC’s. In a fixed weight system quantitative values are placed on various criteria. For a holistic review, a qualitative approach is taken where there is no fixed value placed on any one criteria. Finally the hybrid system marries the fixed weight and holistic approaches with both quantitative and qualitative components.

Fixed Weight: UC Riverside
Hybrid: UC Santa Cruz and Merced
Holistic: UC Berkeley, UCLA, San Diego, Santa Barbara, Irvine and Davis


Daughter accepted L&S: Theater & Performance
In-state, ELC, Nine APs, Six DEs, Focused ECs, Thoughtful PIQs
Denied: UCLA (made the TFT interview but not the final cut)

:blue_heart: :performing_arts: :yellow_heart:


Accepted UCSD, UCD, UCI (Honors college), UCR and UCSC (Honors with Scholarship), CalPoly SLO. SDSU Honors
Not Rejected anywhere.
UC UW 4.0
W 4.89
Capped 4.44.
Stellar ECs- Has published paper, Started and ran a solid nonprofit, FBLA State Champ and Nationally ranked 7 in Public Speaking, Member of Advisory Board for disadvantged Youth etc etc. Great Essays.
Can not explain it.
D22 though is very calm and composed about being WL. Not like me at all. Oh well time will tell.

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DS OOS Rejected Mechanical Engineering


Purdue FYE
UT Austin Mechanical Engineering
Texas A&M Engineering
CU Boulder Mechanical Engineering
UIUC Mechanical Engineering
Wisconsin Mechanical Engineering
Univ of Washington Engineering

Univ of Michigan
Georgia Tech


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Congratulations to your daughter Advitha! That’s an amazing set of schools she’s gotten into. And zero rejections is very impressive.


Wow! Congrats! :grin:

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There really isn’t an explanation! But she has fantastic options. It’s wonderful that she’s calm and composed–great qualities that will suit her well.

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I applied for applied mathematics too! did it say you were admitted to the major in your acceptance letter? mine just says i was admitted to the college of letters and science

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S22 ACCEPTED! Portal astrology - never checked

Admitted - Molecular and Cell Biology
In-state, ELC (1%)
UC GPA 4.0/4.33/4.67
NM Commended
1570 SAT (took once only)
tons of ECs and several leadership positions
Admitted - UCLA, UCB, UCSD, UCSB, UCD, UCSC, CalPoly SLO, Haverford,
Waitlisted - JHopkins
Denied - UCI
Waiting - some more super reach schools

Congratulations to everyone who accepted!!


Daughter rejected (first one)

GPA: 4.0 uw/4.36 capped/4.82 weighted
15 APs
Competitive club/4year varsity sport
Nonprofit internships
Lots of volunteering
National Merit Finalist

Other California results:

Accepted: UCSB, UCD (with Provost), Cal Poly SLO

If you live in Contra Costs county go to Diablo Valley College (DVC) and cross enrollment. I have been able to attend UCB on campus since second semester of my freshman year. I LOVE it.

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I would hardly say that’s a tanked GPA. Just a very competitive year.

hey i just noticed this on my acceptance letter. i got accepted to the fall program for freshman. what is that exactly? is it better/worse or? not really sure lol so if someone can fill me in that would be great!

You mean the FPF?


Yay! Yeah mine also didn’t say on the letter itself, but since I was invited for SEEDS program, which is for STEM majors, I assumed that they accepted me with the major I applied with, applied mathematics!

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I live in Berkeley near campus. As long as you take normal precautions you would want to take in any urban area (don’t leave your laptop unattended, pay attention as you walk, don’t engage aggressive homeless people, etc.), it’s fine. We are raising kids here, and the high school/older kids move around freely/take public transit. It’s a great town. Congratulations on your acceptance!


Son accepted and thrilled! Daughter was Cal class of '21. #gobears

  • Admitted
  • In-state Public HS
  • Comparative Literature L&S
  • UW 3.61, school doesn’t weight or rank
  • 6 AP’s, many honors classes, 1 summer UCLA class
  • Accepted UC Davis, UCSC, Rutgers, Univ. of WA, Univ. of Oregon, SMU
  • Rejected Texas, UCLA, UCSD, Boston College
  • Waiting some super reaches
  • 4 years Varsity Swim Team and Captain 2 years, Competitive Swim Club 9 years, National Vice Champion US Modern Pentathlon, US Junior World Championship Team Modern Pentathlon, USA Fencing Junior Olympics and National Championships
  • AP French Academic Coach 150+ volunteer hours

UCB does not consider alternate majors so if accepted it would be for the major you applied. College of L&S does not admit by major so you would take the required major courses and declare your major when ready