UC Berkeley Freshman Class of 2026 Discussion

What is the Wonderdome?

It’s a pod of 4 rooms that are female-identifying students. It’s not exactly the “party” room but more a safe space for women to go an hang out, watch movies, etc. The Thunderdome is a similar space for the dudes but that one is more of a party space, I’m told!
If your kid has questions, shoot me a DM and they can get in contact with my daughter. :slight_smile:

What’s the difference between the Fresh Edge course and the same course in the normal school year? Are the Edge courses taught by Cal faculties? Are these summer courses rushed, comparing to the school year courses? Thanks a lot.

I mean Freshman Edge.

https://summer.berkeley.edu/ lists:
Session A—Six Weeks: May 23–July 1
Session B—Ten Weeks: June 6–August 12
Session C—Eight Weeks: June 21–August 12
Session D—Six Weeks: July 5–August 12
Session E—Three Weeks: July 25–August 12
Session F—Three Weeks: July 5–July 22
Session 12W—12 Weeks: May 23–August 12

https://classes.berkeley.edu/ indicates that, for summer 2022, sessions D and C have the largest number of course offerings.

A regular semester is 15 weeks of instruction, so a summer session course will cover material at a proportionally faster pace (with proportionally more class hours and expected hours of out-of-class work per week). While a full course load in a normal semester is 15 units, a full course load in a six week summer session is 6 units, and a full course load in an eight week summer session is 8 units, in terms of amount of work per week.

Hi, I have a question about sending the official AP scores to Berkeley through College Board. Do we need to send it now, or can we wait till July 5th for the scores for this year’s exams to be out too and then send it?

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You wait until all scores are posted before sending.

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Thank you!

Hi - D22 is not getting a dorm room in round 1. I believe she will hear in couple of weeks when the second round goes out. Questions for the UC Berkeley experts.

  1. In round 2, what kind of housing can one expect- Anything from the Unit 1,2,3 or will it be outside this set?
  2. If we don’t have a viable option in round 2, do we have the option to go with our own off campus housing?

Thanks for any pointers

If not assured of a dorm space, it is best to start looking for other housing now.

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Sorry I have no answers for your housing questions.
But if you don’t mind my asking, when did she hear from the Cal housing ? My son hasn’t heard anything yet.

Mine hasn’t heard anything either. It still says “submitted”.

called office as " any room size/location " was NOT included as the 5th preference. a major reason why she will have to wait for second round. heard that communications are going out this week. Hope this helps. All the best!

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Thank you. good point to keep in mind

What room size or location was not acceptable to her?

I think it was more a case of including what she came across during visit - units 1-3 Blackwell and couple of permutations upto doubles which took care of all 5 available choices. She is OK with triples as well or other dorms. the 5th option of any size/location would have taken care of that. She updated the housing app now but too late for round 1. Hopefully something will come up in round 2 ( two more weeks of waiting)

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Thank you! Keeping fingers crossed for you guys

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FYI…dorm assignments are out on the housing portal.

Yup, I got assigned to a double suite at foothill. It’s quite expensive compared to the other dorms. :frowning:

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All the best ! Is it for STEM / Engineering majors ? Website mentioned something about STEM

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