UC Berkeley Letters and Science

I’m currently a junior and I’m absolutely enamored with Berkeley. What do you think my chances are of getting accepted, and how could I improve them?

Here are my stats:

4.0 unweighted GPA
4.77 weighted GPA

I’m taking the SAT next month and currently studying, but my baseline practice test was 740 math 700 english for a total of 1440 (I expect to improve this by a significant margin)

AP Euro: 5
AP Bio: 5

SAT Biology M: 800

This year I plan to take AP Chem, AP Lang, AP Spanish Lang, AP US, and possibly AP Psych tests, as well as Math II, Chem, and maybe a couple other SAT subject tests

Freshman courses (my school doesn’t let freshmen take weighted classes): PE, adv. Algebra II, seminar english 1-2, advanced world history, Spanish 5-6, and advanced bio

Sophomore courses: PE, Seminar English 3-4, AP Euro, Honors Computer Science Principles, AP Bio, Choir, nd honors Precalc

Junior courses: Calculus and analytic geometry at a community college, APUSH, Honors chem (no ap offered), Evolutionary Bio and Human Nutrition at UCSD, AP english lang, and AP spanish lang

Senior courses: Political science at community college, linear algebra and discrete math at community college, AP Enviro or AP Physics, AP English Lit, AP Spanish Lit, and Honors Anatomy and Physio


Founder and President of Science Olympiad at my school, I’m competing in Ecology, Anatomy and Physio, Rocks and Minerals, and Invasive Species (hopefully will medal)

I’ve been a part of my local youth theater company since I was 7 and have worked on dozens of shows as a cast member, crew member (unpaid volunteering), and assistant stage manager

I have a varsity letter in archery but my coach died and the team no longer has access to a range

I know my ECs aren’t too strong and I’m applying to internships and jobs at the moment as well as training for USA Biology Olympiad

Female, Jewish, LGBT (definitely want to go into STEM if that matters)

Your extracurriculars look good, but you definitely need stronger SAT and AP’s


@thunderlight8 Update: I got my SAT score back and got 780 EBRW 770 math (so 1550 composite)
Taking APUSH, APELC, and APSLC tests this year and SAT math II, chem, and us history in the next two weeks
I was a semifinalist for USABO, 5th A&P and 9th eco for scioly regionals

Expected senior courses are AP chem, AP psych, AP English lit, AP spanish lit, linear algebra and discrete math, and political science 101 and 102 at the community college

Also taking calculus based mechanics at the community college over the summer

Well you SAT is good now, just keep working on those AP classes.