UC Berkeley Portal Astrology Discussion 2023

Nothing happens

Could you repost my link? i think im unable to post links currently because I just made this account.

Dont forget about selection bias. Most of the people this worried abt results probably already have competitive applications which means we as a sample are not representative of the population of berk applicants.

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Please submit your results using the link below.



For those doing this, its important that the steps followed posted by scrambro above are followed; otherwise faulty/incorrect results could be resulted, and it should be directly either
ā€œSorry, you are not authorized to use this applicationā€ or
ā€œForbidden You are not allowed to view this pageā€ when logging into the calnet account manager site using the map@berkeley option

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Yes, if the signals are real then you will have slightly larger admit rate than Calā€™s 12% rate. For reference, hereā€™s what last yearā€™s poll results looked like on decision eve.

My kid is not an early admit. He has an active calnet account because he takes classes at Cal. (I kind of wish he didā€™t have one so that we could try this astrology test, though :rofl:)

I am not sure what early admits will see if they have not enrolled yet.

Do we need to create the CalNet ID first?

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This is to see what message you get when u attempt to make an id

use the link in message 233 and follow the instructions in message 240.

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idk guys, this seems pretty decisive. Like someone else said, Forbidden means that you already most likely have an account registered and not authorized means that thereā€™s probably nothing in the system. Pretty bummed out rn

Same :disappointed:

I wouldnā€™t say so; its looking near 50/50 right now and some of my low stats friends have the forbidden message. Portal astrology is fun and exciting but ultimately isnā€™t something you should depend on for your decision.

But will the status change after Monday afternoon or it is all set now?

Things could change around. Who knows. It seems
Early for any of this to happen

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Sam here. Not authorized. Pretty discouragingā€¦

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We need a larger sample pool to mitigate bias. Itā€™s p hard to tell rn

I donā€™t believe they have all decisions loaded and ready on the portal. I think it is likely in process.


Not authorized for me. I guess this is the end lol.

That is valid and this cal net thing could be indicative of something else altogether. Itā€™s best and safe now to just look at this data rather than coming to too many conclusions

not authorized for me as well