UC Berkeley Portal Astrology Discussion 2023

There are several steps to this method, and people are second hand referencing people not even on the forum who tried it, possibly based on a vague text or verbal conversation. I think you need to introduce significant error bars that some of the different outcomes (like not recognized) could just be the person doing something slightly different. For that matter, a lot of the differences might be the way people approach the setup. For example, when we tried it we had already logged into the application portal in a different tab on the browser. Perhaps that meant the site already recognized a login status and resulted in a different outcome. It would take a lot more trial and error and controlled experimentation with people who have each reported state to gain any confidence this isn’t something much more simple at play.

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hey, guys I just want to know whether anyone noticed their website Web Page Suffix. Till now there are currently two kinds of suffixes exist. /welcome/SLATE or /login/DENIED. Maybe this is the key distinguishing between the waitlist and acceptance?

actually, not recognized means he clicked on the wrong URL. Try this one:

https:slash slash bpr dot calnet dot berkeley dot edu/account-manager/

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Can you post a screenshot of your page after clicking withdraw? How come it says not authorized?

I have “welcome/SLATE” and forbidden, does this mean anything? But my source code is FFT, am I waitlisted lol

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Out of curiosity, why would waitlisted applicants get a Calstate ID? I thought they’d still use the application release portal for additional info?

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Hi James! For people with the url “login denied”, are they forbidden or not authorized? I have heard people get the url “uid error” on the not authorized page

it wasn’t on the “withdraw” page, i tried doing the calnet manager trick and followed the same steps as everyone else. got “not authorized,” so probably (and i say probably, because i do not know at all) those with “not authorized” also don’t have a record in their database potentially?

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I would say that they might already be fixed the source code stuff since last year, there were reports about the cal day myth and withdraw myth. Thus I don’t quite believe with the source code myth


Forbidden, the “error” suffix is for unauthorized people.

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Wow so you mean there are two types of url for the same forbidden page? You sure about that?

Yes, which means if this is true, there will be three types of decisions. WL, REJ, ADMIT.


This theory sounds very plausible now

Seems I am all but officially rejected, at least helps a little to know on advance :smiling_face_with_tear:


So unauthorized means rejection? :smiling_face_with_tear:

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We need to recollect the data rn, I don’t think that the 1/3 forbidden are all welcome/slate.

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I agree. Will you be able to establish a new poll?

Can someone list the steps for the welcome/SLATE??

Whic url to go to?

The forbidden page, see the url up there.

is welcome/SLATE + forbidden page a good sign u think?

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