UC Berkeley Portal Astrology Discussion 2023

whar is welcome slate loll

I asked some of my friends who got the forbidden page and they all have the welcome url. It seems that the login/denied thing is pretty rare

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the end of ur url on the calnet page after logging in

Have you found at least two people with that login denied thing

they wait-list about half the amount they accept right?

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um yes, but I only found 2. I wish to find more on cc lol


I guess so. I am just pretty shocked that nobody have gotten that login/error thing. It’s statistically unlikely


Got it. I thought it might be a glitch if only one person got that thing

Also forbidden with Welcome/Slate

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sorry I meant login/denied

Maybe someone can dig up last years poll re: the admitted student events. I seem to remember that about 30% of respondents could register? The poll was a little confusing, and i dont remember if there was a factor that identified waitlist.
The takeaway statistically was that there were several confounding factors that led to a 30% acceptance vs a 12-15%. 1)some students who were denied didn’t bother with the poll 2) the kind of student who is active on college confidential may be more motivated in general and have a higher chance at admission than the regular applicant pool. 3) some people may just ■■■■■ and vote for whatever. Anyway i think it was acknowledged that 30% seemed about right for this board, and it ended up being 100% accurate

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I think 30% sounds right. But not sure whether login/denied really means waitlist or not, cuz other than the 2 ppl James mentioned, I haven’t heard of others with that suffix

Here’s a poll from last year. THIS IS FROM 2022

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We can’t say that everyone who got in and tested the myth voted. According to max’s data wheel, last year’s data is about 30%.

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can someone point me in the right direction of what to do to see what we are talking about and the website lol


Yes exactly, we cant assume everyone voted, and those who receive “not authorized” would be less likely to vote, agreed?

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Yeah, plausible.

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Is it better to see the Welcome/SLATE url ending or login/denied?

Welcome/slate might mean admit and denied might suggest waitlist. Which one do you see


Mine shows welcome/slate. I also received the forbidden page.