UC Berkeley Portal Astrology Discussion 2023

wrong one sorry

Not found. If u want the appeal form, here is the one that I got:


here lol:

https: slash slash (input the slashes) apply.berkeley.edu/apply/form?id=400b95fb-625b-45ff-8947-


Soo either waitlist or accept, could still be a possibility of rejection since this isn’t 100% confirmed yet.

waiting to see if people get different results if not , it’s probably not an indication yet

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Makes sense



Can everybody access this form with your name on the top right?

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I guess this is the next formal page for forbidden welcome.

Asks me to input a student id

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Getting this as well, yet got “not authorized” for the other one, could this mean a waitlist?

Yes it does, but do you have your name appear on the top right webpage?

Yes it does

We don’t know yet, we need more datas

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This could be a possibility, we need more tests to see if someone is able to access the form who got not authorized

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access what form?

The appeals form linked in previous messages

i got not authorized but on the appeal it says “our records indicate blah blah blah”

I’m having this thinking because if I click log out under my name there, it will take me to the page that says:

Welcome to CalNet Account Manager

  • Students, employees and affiliates: [Log In] to view and manage your CalNet account.

then its the forbidden/unauthorized page again.

I am having the unauthorized response from the appeal form and the forbidden welcome from the calnet account