UC Berkeley Portal Astrology Discussion 2023

I truly think that everyone has the same unauthorized page for the appealing page.

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Yeah, because they didn’t link the data through the page yet? IDK, but this sounds plausible.


So there are two calnet related link, right? The one we’ve been talking about all morning and the one you just sent. I am getting forbidden for both

No, I’m asking whether you can see your name on the page, the calnet set up page. Because I highly suspect that this is the next page for the forbidden/unauthorized page.

Yes. Same here with same content as others on appeals page.

I can see login and when I log in, I see both my name and forbidden

If you have your name there, which I consider is that you at least pass the identification test, which won’t give you an HTTP 401 (Unauthorized rejection). And this is the official next step after clicking set up my calnet when you are an admitted student.

I do not see name on Calnet page and got unauthorized. So, name might be seen only for “forbidden” folks. Pretty discouraging for folks like us if UCB already loaded the decisions on the portal.


do you think they r still loading them?

On the page where I am supposed to fill in my CalNet ID, I only see the login thing on the top. When I log in, I get the forbidden thing with my name on the top



try this

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Okay, this might be the key since I got my name up there and when I clicked log out I got my forbidden process again.

Sorry my bad. Tried again and my name was on the top

Ah, nvm. This is not the key then.

Honestly I feel like the whole Calnet is just the same system. If you have a account you will have access to everything related to CalNet

Hoping this is true haha

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GUYS, do you get “NOT ELIGIBLE” when you try to recover your calnet account at the Reset Passphrase website?

I think if we need to make sure what waitlist really looks like we should find other systems

When I tried that, it gave me to student ID page with my name on top left but when I logged out and tried logging in again I went to forbidden page.