UC Berkeley Portal Astrology Discussion 2023

This is because you inserted spaces in your url

Was this for appeals form?

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Ah nvm

Yes, got “not eligible”.

Wait what is this, can you send a link

Did you get not authorized or Forbidden on the Calnet login page?

not authorized calnet id, not authorized to submit appeal
both are opposing wth?

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i cant send links, but you can search"reset passphrase calnet account manager" and it should be the second link

got not authorized for CalNet thing but also not authorized for appeal form

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Guys we need to chill tf out. Last year, the withdraw form message and source code was an indicator and worked 2-3 days before. Please. Let’s relax till tuesday

trueee im sure not all decisions have been uploaded since the withdraw is still accessible to everyone

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As of right now nothing can be confirmed , so everyone just hope for the best :,)

Exactly. Tuesday/Wednesday would be a definitive thing. Remember, it takes a crap ton of time to load 120k decisions into a server.
VERY VERY possible that they did 1/3rd today, 1/3rd tomorrow, 1/3rd on Tuesday. Hence 30% see the forbidden


Yeah I know last year Berkeley loaded some decisions in right before the releasing time

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So seeing the forbidden thing right now doesn’t mean much?

Not authorized. Do you think this means reject?

i think we need to wait till like tuesday as any sort of indicator… right now seems too early

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How can you be sure about this?

Uh…I’m not sure but someone said their portal astrology things were changing on the day Berkeley releasing their decision

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i think them putting ALLL of the decisions today is highly unlikely… it’s 120,000+ applicants. i’m sure it’ll span till hours before

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