UC Berkeley Portal Astrology Discussion 2023

i recall there being a few reports of people’s astrologies changing on the day of berkeley’s decisions

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they’re not changing it. it’s been confirmed in email and i’m their instagram

Oh so the forbidden/not authorized thing could change in the upcoming days?

well it cant be today or yesterday since the admissions office is closed on weekends. They must have uploaded the data on Friday


very much so. Imagine everyone sees a forbidden on T-1 day lol

i’m sure not all of it was done on friday. if not they would’ve released decisions earlier. people last year had their portal astrologies chnage an hour before. for ucla for example. it was the day of

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i mean, i assume that all decisions haven’t been uploaded as of yet… afterall there is still 4 days left, i think we can make a better conclusion when we’re 1-2 days before the decision date

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Oh my this thread has exploded. As a mom, I say this gently to all of the students here…

You are second semester seniors. Your college apps are in. It’s the weekend. If you’re in the Berkeley area, you know we are having a beautiful spring day here after months of storms and rain. GO OUTSIDE AND ENJOY IT. Get some fresh air. Get some sunshine. Call up a friend. Take your dog for a walk.

I know the stress is high and the stakes for some people may seem even higher, but you are likely not helping your mental health by obsessing over the portal right now. It likely does not mean anything at this point. And those who get the “wrong” sign end up sad and it may well be for no reason, and those who get the “right” may end up doubly disappointed if this ends up being meaningless. I know the waiting is hard, so get outside and get distracted. You are driving yourselves crazy and it may be over absolutely nothing. As hard as it is, you need to wait.

Get off the computer and go outside and take a walk.

I hope no one is offended by this advice, but this is the exact same advice I would give to my own child.


you’re right, but i can’t help it :joy: it helps me pass time obsessing over things like this

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Thanks for this. The last week or so hasn’t been ideal with decisions not going our way so we’re really clinging to our hopes for next week. :face_with_spiral_eyes:

honestly the fact they might be changing makes me more nervous than how it is right now :joy:

are you seeing forbidden or not authorized?


if the astrology is correct, i don’t think forbiddens will change. but i do think not authorized can change

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remember that according to the astrology, forbidden means you’re already in the system for berkeley, indicating acceptance - but not authorized means you’re not in the system, indicating rejection or maybe even waitlist (but it could also mean that your decision simply hasn’t been put into the system yet)

Just to clarify, has anyone NOT gotten this for the appeal?

Hopefully the not authorized changes for those who got it… we can only wait until the 30th to see if both of these signs become true.

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yeah, i’m in the same boat of not authorized so i really hope it changes :joy:


Good luck, rooting for all of us !!!


As of right now I think everyone received this, both forbidden/not authorized

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