UC Berkeley Portal Astrology Discussion 2023

So, people who got full access (with the berkeley.edu email) instead of not authorized/forbidden are those who applied to Berkeley summer school right?

is there a such thing as online berkeley summer school? because i know some people in socal who are early admits and have full access to calnet, and i assume they didn’t do berkeley summer school unless there is a such thing as an online/virtual option for it

One of my friends did an online version of it, he hasn’t gotten his result but has full access to calnet

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oh, then yeah most likely the people with full access did berkeley summer school

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thank you y’all for calming me, I do agree that it’s four more days until decision being released. It is possible that they just can’t load 125k apps at the same time. As of now, our portal hasn’t change anything yet.

Hi jamie

I see Welcome/SLATE; I also see Forbidden.

It’s not possible to have forbidden and denied lol

Where do I see Welcome/Slate or Denied. It only has “error” at end of URL link.


LOL I haven’t been following the thread as closely, so I wasn’t sure.

Can anyone show an image of how it looks like (Welcome/Slate or Denied)

Btw we have a discord where we’re talking about berk portal astrology and just berk in general–discord feels much easier to discuss compared to CC, so feel free to join

https: slash slash ■■■■■■■■■■/v2jfkQvg

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Have not checked the other items everyone is talking about but can see the addresses went back to 4 today. Was 2 for a long time. Maybe that just means decisions uploaded.

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where do u check # of addresses?


It might not be accurate but like its a guess

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Alright, I’m hooked


okay so go to calnet.berkley.edu and then click sign in with MAP@Berkley and sign in with your usual applicant email and passphrase thing that you use to sign in with on the usual sign in Berkley sign in site and then it should pop up a message and if it says something along the lines of “forbidden you are not allowed to view this page” then that means you got accepted but if you get “Sorry you are not authorized to use this application” then that means you got rejected NOT CONFIRMED IF ITS TRUE OR NOT but yah