UC Berkeley Portal Astrology Discussion 2023

Haha, maybe :wink:

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CC is not representative of all people applying to Berkeley, so it wonā€™t match the overall acceptance rate. You all are a special group and based on previous years more of you will get admitted than the general population of people who are not on here looking for portal signs.

So for better odds, parents and students should join CC! :bulb: :rofl:

i got ā€œforbiddenā€ on the website. for context, i also was recently accepted to UCLA as an OOS student, tho that obv doesnā€™t necessarily mean anything and itā€™s simply a correlation, not a causation that iā€™ll get accepted to berkeley. so that info may not really tell you anything and could just be a coincidence, but i figured itā€™d still be useful for context. so take that as you will

I donā€™t know - I donā€™t really check the portal myself. She just told about the financial aid missing because she thought that was odd.

I think they changed the portal, yesterday it was saying not authorized for me but now its showing ā€œUnrecognized loginā€- can anyone confirm?

getting forbidden so im kinda hopeful, even if it doesnt work out I have Georgia Tech CS in the bag anyways, so not that worried


if you do it now does it still say forbidden?


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I tried it again, and thereā€™s just no message? Itā€™s a blank white screen

still see forbidden

Certainly possibly since this has been all over CC and Reddit that this morning they are blocking this.

Or they are just loading portals, and things lose functionality when they do so.

this is tripping me out bc at first it said unauthorized and now its saying its an unrecognizable login

Thanks, yes today it is back to 2 addresses so probably just something that momentarily changes while decisions are loading.

I think Unrecognizable login means the same thing as not authorized

According to google:

401 Unauthorized is the status code to return when the client provides no credentials or invalid credentials. 403 Forbidden is the status code to return when a client has valid credentials but not enough privileges to perform an action on a resource .

I have the forbidden status but how do you see the ā€œ403ā€ part?

Unrecognized log in might be caused by the wrong link. I tried to log in from the calnet authentication service before, I got the same result. You have to log in from the calnet account manager but not the calnet authentication service. Then you should get either forbidden or not authorized.

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mines says Forbidden, what does this mean? rejection?

Itā€™s speculated to mean acceptance

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Someone on Reddit mentioned this, before it got deleted by A2C mods:


Try signing in on this site.
Not authorized: rejected Forbidden: accepted
Not 100% sure this is accurate, but the early admits got forbidden and so did the USC/UCSD admit as well as a UCLA admit. I got not authorized as well as some other people.
No way to know for sure if this works until official decisions come out but it seems to work. Rationale is that accept
ed students already have their Berkeley accounts made but are forbidden to access until official decisions come out.
Hereā€™s the link to the deleted Reddit post:
