UC Berkeley Portal Astrology Discussion 2023

Since the poll is has been hovering over exactly 1/3 forbidden for a while (Like right now, it is 1 vote away from being exactly 1/3), do you guys maybe think the theory that they are just uploading the decisions in 1/3 chunks true?

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seems unlikely especially since today is a work day for the admissions department and the proportion hasn’t changed. 1/3 was a similar proportion of acceptances from last years portal astrology from CC.

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I hope it somehow changes, Berkeley has been my dream since I was 14


If they weren’t done uploading decisions, that means the 1/3 ratio would increase and therefore wouldn’t really make much sense. i’m in the same boat as you though, not authorized
 really hoping we get in

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For those who have authorized/forbidden, did y’all get accepted or rejected to UCLA? Not saying it means anything at all, as one school can’t predict the other, but maybe this could give some more context.
I got forbidden and was accepted ucla oos


got forbidden - rejected from LA but in at SB. Makes sense tho bc I have a very specific interest that LA doesn’t really have resources for.

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also in at Washu if that adds some context

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Maybe I am slow, but I don’t see why that is true. It all depends how the batches are organized. If each batch has a 1/3 acceptance ratio (as measured by poll on CC), the ratio wouldn’t change, or would vary little. Why exactly woulds the ratio increase if they weren’t done uploading decisions? You guys have me intrigued. I’m a mom. My daughter’s portal says “unauthorized.” Accepted to UCSD, UCD, UCSC, and UCI. Rejected at UCLA, but that was for Theater and Television which has one of the lowest acceptance rates of all the departments and requires a seperate audition/interview.


Well the biggest and most convincing argument against the validity of this astrology is that Berkeley may be uploading decision in batches (it is somewhat suspicious that the proportion reaches almost exactly 1/3 as the sample size grows). While Berkeley’s actual acceptance rate is much lower than 1/3, we have to account for sampling bias, as well as response bias ie, the sample of applicants who are on college confidential most likely have more competitive applications than the population of applicants applying to Berkeley + People who receive “not authorized” would be less likely to report their findings. This may be accurate, but it also very much may not be, i’m personally hoping for the latter since Berkeley is my dream school but we’ll have to wait until march 30th to know for sure.


Not authorized. Accepted to USD, UCSB, UCSD (two of them with regents). Also accepted to UCLA.


Forbidden. Got into ucla ucsb uci ucsd and davis


Not sure if this was posted already, but there may be a leak for UC Berkeley admission?

Login > Sign In with MAP@Berkeley ID

Some people are getting “Sorry, you are not authorized to use this application”, while others are getting "Forbidden/ You are not allowed to view this page. (with website address ending in /welcome/SLATE)

My thought:
“Sorry, you are not authorized to use this application” = waitlist/reject
"Forbidden/ You are not allowed to view this page. (with website address ending in /welcome/SLATE) = accepted

One person that was “accepted” also had their page redirected to a “setting up a CalNet account”

Again, this is all speculation and may/may not determine application status. Any thoughts? Anyone check if this works?

Not authorized. Accepted to UCLA/SD/I/D/SB/SC/R/M.

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Yes, nearly the entirety of this thread for the past several days has been discussing this.

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yeah i got forbidden. i was accepted to ucla (oos) and also just now accepted to Rice, if that gives any more possible context, tho take that as you will.

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you guys have gotta chill out, lol. we’re still three days away – people have discussed having their astrologies changed even a day before decisions. it may be on a rollout basis – it may not. just keep the positivity until we know for sure.


LOL sorry I posted in the decisions thread and it got moved here. didn’t know it existed


well if more people get “forbidden” as days go by, then those people will vote on the poll, which therefore will increase the percentage of forbiddens to an unrealistic amount. the people who have “not authorized” already have submitted their response to the polls, so the amount of people with “not authorized” can not change into more, only less.

this can also be refuted by saying that people maybe get more antsy as days go by, therefore leading them to research more in order to see where they stand

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I havent seen anyone say that their status has changed tho.