UC Berkeley Portal Astrology Discussion 2023



I got not authorized but don’t want to believe it…

Same here :slight_smile:

I have forbidden one time and log out and try again it is not authorized.

are you sure you used the right link for both times?

NVM. I only have this now. Are you saying it is a good sign?

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Please report y’alls results to the poll: https://strawpoll.com/polls/LVyK8eW2dn0/results

Is anybody else getting this?


you have to press the green button that says “set up my calnet ID”

Oh thank you. Forbidden means accepted?!?!

it’s speculated

some reported that their status changed from unauthorized to forbidden. that might indicate ucb is uploading things. idk.

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how could be that 35% of us are accepted?

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could it be that forbidden means your application is finished reviewing?



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Yes. And last year’s astrology poll was over 30% accepted as well, and proved accurate

I have a really bad guess about this “unauthorized” & “ forbidden” thing….
Is it possible that people who claim that they received “ unauthorized “ misunderstood the process and went into the wrong link? Though I don’t think that’s possible but I’m still afraid


no it’s definitely a binary

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