UC Berkeley Portal Astrology Discussion 2023

If we see a large increase in the proportion of forbidden applicants within the next couple of days then this is almost certainly the case.

About 400 posts ago, there were questions as to the words in your url string if you are “forbidden”. For example, most or all forbidden pages have a url that end in 
welcome/SLATE. Not sure what slate means, but if you are logged in (your name upper right corner) and it says “Welcome” in your url, that seems promising. Again, this applies to Forbidden responses.

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I LOVE your analysis :+1:.

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Could forbidden also mean waitlist?

what if I called berkeley tmr and asked about this because this is eating me up

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plz do, im in distress as well

I know you’re half kidding, but honestly I dont think admissions cares much if students find out if they get in early.

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The person who answers your call is almost certainly not well versed enough in html to answer your question even if they wanted to lmao

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lmao this is driving me crazy so might as well - btw has anyone tried the appeal form link? what do u guys see

is everyone supposed to see the green button that says set up my CalNet ID before getting the authorized/forbidden


that’s what I’m thinking
I’m mean I got “forbidden” but if people claim that they got “unauthorized” didn’t click the green button
 then this astrology is wrong


what green button?

omg you’re like the second person asked me this question :pleading_face::pleading_face:
Is a button that has “ set up my calnet I’d” on it

Green button to ‘Setup CalNet ID’

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Where can I see the green button? I chose “signed in with my MAP@Berkeley ID” at the calnet page and got “not authorized”. Didn’t get a green button though.
Did I go to the wrong page lol?

Daughter has forbidden as well. High stats. Reported results to poll

That’s weird
my friend who got “ unauthorized” just told me the same thing.

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Wrong. Go this page. bpr.calnet.berkeley.edu/account-manager/
Remember it should be CalNet Account Manager webpage. Other such as authentication service are wrong even though they have the same “sign in with MAP@Berkley button”

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the green button means forbidden, i think everyone that got unauthorized was never given the green button prompt

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