UC Berkeley Portal Astrology Discussion 2023

i have the exact source code as you… pretty sure it means nothing

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Yeah, that’s what I think. Is your source code also the same @primitive_caffeine ?

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Any update on portal astrology for this year?

no updates yet from what i can tell. Occasionally I will check the events tab on the admit UCB page. It hasn’t changed in a while. When it changes, there may be some astrology updates

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When do you think it might change? Also what’s the astrology related to the events tab?

It will likely change in early-mid march, per the wording on the site. The newly admitted student info session events were the definitive key to admission status last year. An applicant could try to sign up for these events prior to the decision day. Basically, if the site allowed to you to sign up, it meant you were admitted. If you were denied the ability to sign up, it meant you were denied.

This wasn’t really discussed until Sunday or Monday of the week leading up to decision day. I am keeping an eye out, but I am not holding my breath regarding anything much earlier than late march.

Yeah, that’s true. More signs start showing up closer to decision day. Also, is there any astrology relating to the withdraw source code? Or have decisions not been uploaded yet to reflect in the source code?

What’s funny @lebsmea

It’s wayyyyyy too early to be speculating about any of this. They aren’t even close to decisions yet. I know the waiting is the hardest part. :grinning:

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Yeah I know, I was just eager to know if there’s any astrology going on yet or not.

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If there is, I’m certain it wouldn’t be tied to anything meaningful in terms of signifiers. Just too soon


I’m not the person to ask about the source code stuff, although, I think the source code signifier is directly related to the new admit event information.

Last year I think all of this kind of came down on Sunday (before the thursday decision day)

Yeah, so I guess we’ll have to wait until the week when decisions come out to see if there are any signs or not. Too early right now.

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I’ve been thinking about this. Even though they haven’t formally uploaded the decisions yet (and won’t until late-March), they probably have a decision on all of us. They def. read through all the applications before Feb. 10 so they could identify the Regents people.


Just because applications have had one read enough to cull a few top, top applicants doesn’t at all mean they have finished reading or made decisions on everyone.

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good point though. if they have read thru - they should have spent the required time to pick the top. Not like it is an easy process. I am sure they would be over 10% of applicant that qualify

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Yeah, but we don’t know if they have uploaded any decisions into portals yet to reflect in portal astrology. It’s probably too early.

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March is here! I just checked the new admit page for UCB. Nothing worth mentioning yet. But since it’s now March, I’ll be checking the events page every few days. There are some posts from Feb above discussing some of the activity that we are looking for. Guessing 3rd week of March at the earliest for significant astrology to happen.


Thanks for looking out for us. Hoping to see astrology signs soon.

Will the source code astrology show up also in the third week?